• Tag Archives Mans Hand Films
  • Spanking Boys EU : Scott’s Punishment

    Scott’s Punishment

    Master enters the room pulling a young man by the ear: he got himself in trouble and now he’s in for a severe punishment. Scott is laid down on a trunk and harshly belted on his ass. Following, the boy is also soundly spanked by hand, on his buttocks and asshole, just as he deserves. Scott’s ass is already burning red and he cannot get away with choosing his next discipline tool: a large wooden spoon that he hands to Master to use it well on his naked ass.


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  • In Memory : Gil Connelly


    1944 – 2023

    The Male-Spanking Community has lost yet another pioneer with the passing of Gil Connelly. For over 30-years Mr. Connelly was the owner of Man’s Hand Films, producing, directing, publishing and innovating in the world of male corporal punishment.

    Gil Connelly was born on September 23, 1944 in rural Pennsylvania. He graduated from Penn State, before accepting an ROTC Appointment in the U.S. Army, where he rose to the rank of Major. Over his career, he was based in Korea, Germany and finally in San Francsisco, where he opted to stay upon his discharge. While attending a meeting of the 15 Association, he met St. John Leslie-Stuart (aka: David Stuart) who had filmed a number of spanking videos with Bob Mizer, the founder of the Athletic Model Guild. Stuart invited Gil to assist him shooting new videos for his company, Man’s Hand Films. Teaching him the tricks of the trade, in 1991, Gil directed his first video (“The Nephew”) just months before Stuart died of emphysema, leaving the company to Connelly.

    Over the next 30-years, Gil produced more than 125 spanking videos, in addition to publishing Red Tails Magazine. Starting in June of 1992 as “A Spanking and Corporal Punishment Newsletter,” Red Tails would become the longest-running male-spanking magazine, with over 110 issues that featured stories, advice columns, classified ads and original art by many of the most popular spanking artists. In addition to the quarterly magazine, Gil also published a series of Spanking Anthologies, a calendar, several books and t-shirts, all celebrating male CP.

    In reaction to the AIDS crisis, in 1993, the staff of Man’s Hand Films staged a “spanking booth” at the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. Modeled after the traditional “kissing booth” at county fairs, at this unique venue fair-goers could give or get a swat with a paddle for one-dollar. All of the money raised at the booth was donated to the AIDS Emergency Fund of San Francisco, and over the following 14-years, more than $66,000 was raised for the charity.

    In 1995, Gil Connelly staged an experimental “spanking camp” known as Camp Red Tails in Northern California. The annual camp expanded from a 3-day weekend into a 6-day event that draws participants from around the world. In 2019, Camp Red Tails celebrated its 25th anniversary, and Gil announced that he would no longer be able to host the event. Three regular campers stepped up and agreed to take-over the operation, so Gil’s vision of a Spanking Camp will continue to be held every July long into the future.

    Having long-battled early stages of dementia, the following January, Gil announced that he was retiring and ending the Man’s Hand Films run. In operation for 36-years, it was longest-lasting male-spanking video company in history. Gil’s imagination and vision made unsurpassed contributions to our community that inspired other companies and will be enjoyed by our community for many years into the future.

    Luckily, upon hearing of Gil’s retirement, one friend offered to purchased the publication rights to Red Tails Magazine. Scanning more than 5,500 pages, every issue of the magazine is now available for free at www.gayspankart.com. And while the videos are no longer being sold by the company, a selection of them are available on the SpankThis site, and the Man’s Hand studio on Clips4Sale remains open for the time being.

    Gil peacefully passed away in his sleep on August 7th, and while he was 78 years of age, his legacy will go on far longer.

  • Information Request

    A JockSpank Visitor has asked for help in obtaining an early Mans Hand Film, which we believe may have been called “The Young Executive” or “Spanking the young Executive”. Please see a selection of images from the video below:

    This was not one of the most recent Man’s Hand Films, but one of the early David Stewart directed films which I believe were sold onto another studio, which also no longer exists.

    If You can help find this video, or any other early Mans Hand films, please either reply in the comments section below or by using the CONTACT US field in the left-hand column. Thanks for your help

  • BBFC: Hynek Forgets

    BBFC: Hynek Forgets

    Hynek should be aware of the rules of the house by now, he had enough lessons. But there he is walking around in a towel, chatting on the phone without a care in the world. Of course, Dimitri sees this, and he wonders what goes on in these lads’ minds.


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  • College Boy Spanking: Marek

    Marek TO

    The master has Marek strip down naked and then his bare ass is spanked, a first time for him, with a wooden paddle. As the pain starts to sink in, he gets more and more animated as the strokes get harder and harder. Afterwards he receives a good spanking by hand. Next the master continues to punish his student, again with the painful wooden paddle, while in the uncomfortable and humiliating wheelbarrow position, its followed by a good hand spanking all this puts yet even more strain on poor Marek’s ability to persevere.


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  • A Spanking History Lesson From Copper (Part 6) Mans Hand Films

    Continuing the Artist Copper’s series on the history of Male Spanking Videos, today the focus turns to Mans Hand Films


    Another one of the very first studios to specialize in male-spanking videos is MAN’S HAND FILMS, founded by British-born David Stuart (real name St. John Leslie-Stuart) in April of 1984. Located in San Francisco, California, Stuart had a background in theater and film and he began shooting short silent films on 8mm with Bob Mizer, the owner of the renowned Athletic Model Guild located in Los Angeles. Unlike Mizer’s erotic films that emphasized models posing or wrestling, Stuart’s films had a plot, normally with a humorous undertone.

    About the same time, MHF produced a series of audio-tapes that they called “Read Tales” (pronounced as in the past tense “red”). In 1989, Stuart sold the earliest of his films to Bijou Distributors in Chicago, in order to raise money for a (non-spanking) feature film that he wanted to produce. Bijou repackaged the films into several hour-long compilations on video-cassette. This explains why the studio’s current catalog begins with video number 119.

    St. John Leslie-Stuart succumbed to chronic emphysema in January of 1991.

    Prior to his death, John enlisted the assistance of Gilbert Connelly (not his real name) in San Francisco, who inherited the corporation and took over the operations of Man’s Hand Films. That year, Gil directed his first film, “The Nephew” (MHV-123). Over the years, the films began to evolve into longer and more serious disciplinary scenes. Mr. Connelly occasionally invited new directors to shoot videos, and he began shooting on location, to give his films a more authentic look.

    Man’s Hand Films originally retailed for $49.95 to $59.95 each, depending on the running time and/or quality of the video. In 2008, the entire catalog was digitally remastered and offered on DVD’s, now selling for $34.95.

    In addition to film products, in 1992 Gil Connelly began publishing Red Tails Magazine, a quarterly publication. Starting as a 22-page bi-monthly, it evolved from a photocopied newsletter to an on-line publication in 2006 that is in full-color and exceeds 50-pages per issue. Additionally, Man’s Hand published seven “Spanking Anthologies,” an art calendar and a 100-page book, “The Art of Spanking.”

    In 2000, Man’s Hand Films relocated its headquarters to North Hollywood, California, where they continued to produce spanking videos and publish Red Tails. They watched as their primary competitors (Control-T, Studio-7, et al.) disappeared from the scene, in addition to dozens of studios that cropped up during the advent of the digital age, and then went away just as quickly. While most of the competition relied on including sex or other fetishes in their videos to reach a wider audience, Man’s Hand stayed true to the founder’s vision and created products for the small, but loyal, niche of male-spanking fans.

    Beginning in 1985, Man’s Hand Films opened “Camp Red Tails,” an annual spanking event in Northern California. Originally a 3-day weekend at the Saratoga Springs resort, the camp now runs for 6-days every July, attracting spanking fans from around the world.

    During the AIDS crisis, Man’s Hand Films wanted to give-back to the community, so in 1994 they began sponsoring a “Spanking Booth” at the annual Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. At the booth, they charged a dollar-a-swat, and customers could either give or get spanked, with all of the donations going to the AIDS Emergency Fund of San Francisco. Over the next 18-years, Man’s Hand Films would raise over $68,000 for the charity.

    In January of 2020, Gil Connelly decided to retire. After more than 35-years in business, producing more than 150 videos, hosting Camp Red Tails for a quarter-of-a-century, and publishing more than 100 issues of Red Tails Magazine, the company stopped production of new products and is currently negotiating to sell the company and its impressive catalog of video products.

    In the meantime, the Man’s Hand website (www.manshandfilms.com) is still active, offering all of their videos by download or DVD, in addition to back issues of Red Tails. For those interested in attending Camp Red Tails, a group of regular campers have taken over that phase of the company, and inquires can be addressed to Mr. C.R. Taylor at CampRTLLC@gmail.com.

    Included in the attachments are the cover of the 1996 video catalog, some of the earliest videos (that had a soundtrack), ads for a couple of favorite films, a cover/ad for Red Tails Magazine, a flyer from the 2006 Folsom Street Fair and a color catalog page from a more recent video. Let us know if you have any questions or comments!


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  • Mans Hand Films : “Red Tails” Magazine Issue 112

    Man’s Hand is pleased to announce the release of RED TAILS Magazine issue 112 to the guys at Jock Spank. It’s a fun slice of an American Institution: The Fraternity! Read about the institution in About This Issue

    Man’s Hand invite JockSpank visitors to their website: http://www.manshandfilms.com

    or if you prefer: at Clips for Sale Man’s Hand Films

    Here are some sample pages from the latest issue of Red Tails


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  • Man’s Hand Films – Red Tails Issue 111

    Man’s Hand Films – Red Tails Issue 111

    Here are some sample pages from the latest edition of Red Tails Magazine

    A message from Man’s Hand Films

    Man’s Hand Films wishes everyone a very ‘hot’ Summer.
    We will be off to Camp Red Tails for our 25th outing in a couple of weeks.
    Please play safely!

    Visit Man’s Hand Films at their website : http://www.manshandfilms.com
    or if you prefer
    : https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/42251/



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  • Red Tails Issue 110 (35th Anniversary of Mans Hand Films)

    Red Tails Issue 110 (35th Anniversary of Mans Hand Films)

    Man’s Hand Films 35 Year Anniversary, making it the longest surviving Male Spanking Studio in the USA and probably the world, is marked by Red Tails Magazine Issue 110 (Spring 2019)

    here are some sample pages from the latest issue of Red Tails, the full publication can be obtained from the Mans Hand Film’s Website


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