The doctor usually knows the right treatment for most situations, and with two unlucky lads their Doctors quickly prescribe exactly the treatment they need, and proceed to administer it
When Dr Stone (James Holt) was on his rounds he became the unfortunate victim of car theft.
His mobile phone, absent mindedly forgotten in the car, was the subject of the robbery, when a young hoodlum broke into his car.
A few days later a young patient (Don Diego) is attending his clinic, the very same young miscreant who had earlier that week stolen the doctors phone. Unfortunately fort him that very same phone now begins to ring and is then recognized by the Doctor. The bad lad is quickly found out to be the culprit and whatever the cost will now have to take what the doctor deems fit as suitable treatment.
In this boys case its going to be a good bare bottom spanking, something quite humiliating that this young man has not had to face for a while.
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