Slipper Him!
Slipper Him!
Johnny is in trouble once again and the master wants to punish him severely, as the master hurriedly pulls his belt off his pants poor Johnny has already started anticipating the pain he will soon have to receive as part of his just punishment, and so he resigns himself to his fate. Johnny proceeds to kneel on the sofa dutifully positioning his ass for what he knows will come next. He is spanked first while dressed, then in his boxer shorts, and finally completely naked. Johnny gets severely flogged and spanked with a heavy hand as well. To ensure Johnny wont soon forget his lesson the master moves Johnny to a better position on the sofa and continues his belting and the hand spankings.
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Panos is sauntering home, he wanders along in the sun without a care in the world. He knows he is late but he doesnt care as its a lovely day. Things change once he gets home and is called in to face the music.
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CP4Men: House Boy Spanking! Featuring Angelo
Angelo has taken on the roll of house boy but doesn’t seem to be fulfilling his duties! Caught smoking he gets a dressing down and a good hand spanking on jeans, underwear then bare. He gets back to work but the boss discovers a broken plate in the bin! He is soon back over the kitchen bench for more punishment-this time its with the paddle!
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Following on from Copper’s outstanding series on the history of Male on Male Spanking Videos here is an extra-credit class on the early History of Male Spanking products. In addition to all of the videos we recently reviewed, there were also a number of printed magazines that were available by subscription or in adult bookstores. Here is a sampling from Copper’s vast collection:
The three early competitors in the male-spanking business, Studio-7, Control-T and Man’s Hand, all produced spanking films but they also realized that not everyone had movie-projectors or video-players, so they also published magazines to highlight their spanking erotica. Long before the internet, these magazines also provided the invaluable service of providing personal ads, allowing subscribers to exchange contract information with other. While they all contained similar content, each magazine had distinctively different styles. Here is a little history and a few samples from those early magazines.
In 1983, San Diego based Studio-7, began publishing WOODSHED MAGAZINE, featuring ads for their video products, fiction contributed by readers, and “Personal Ads” for subscribers who wanted to meet other guys into spanking. Each issue featured a couple of illustrations by artists like Steve Burke and C of Sweden. Originally, Woodshed sold for $5 per issue, although by the time it was discontinued, the price had gone up to $10, or $48 for a six-issue subscription. The magazine was discontinued in 1995, after publishing a little over 50 issues.
In 1985 Control-T Studios began publishing HOT BOTTOMS MAGAZINE Each issue was approximately 24-pages long and was printed in black-and-white, with covers on colored card stock and stapled along the left margin. Hot Bottoms featured original fiction that was occasionally illustrated, photos from their videos as well as some fan-drawings. The personal ads for readers was called “The Ads, Sir!” After Control-T was sold, the new owners did not share the passion for male-spanking, and the magazine quickly began to deteriorate. The stories that were originally packed tight in small type, were now set in 14-point type with huge headlines, wide margins and oversized illustrations to help fill-up the 44-pages. Stories from past issues were often re-used, and a quarter of the magazine was just advertising. In 1998 Control-T decided to stop Hot Bottoms, after publishing almost 60 issues. The magazine originally sold for $5 per issue, and by the time the run ended, the price had gone up to $9.50. Annual subscriptions (6-issues) were available for $46.95 per year. NOTE: The first male-spanking illustration I ever had published (shown below) appeared in Hot Bottoms in 1991.
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Spanking Straight Boys: Faster!
Mitch is a ripped 24-year-old athlete who works out six days a week (and it shows!). When he decided to come in for another spanking, Tom had a surprise for him.
Tom orders Mitch to get on a commercial-grade, gym-quality lateral elliptical machine.
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Angel is a recruit and being new the marshal gives him his new uniform and in delivering it reminds him of the rules, including those of taking care of the uniform. If its lost or damaged, he will have to undergo a severe corporal punishment. Next to Angel’s amazement the marshal tells him that he wants to give him a good training spanking immediately to welcome him to the army. Angel know there is no escaping it, he knows he must demonstrate that he has the courage to face a good spanking as a man to be a good soldier. Angel is severely strapped first while in his boxers and then on his bare buttocks, followed by a heavy hand spanking. Angel is in for quite the ordeal it seems when his punishment continues on with a tawse, another strap and even the nine tailed whip.
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New lad Paco knows he should be studying but he is playing a game instead. Warned by Ryan to get on and study he waits for the door to close and then he is straight back on the game.
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