• Tag Archives SpankChicosmalos
  • SpankChicosmalos: SpankPoker – Part 2

    SpankChicosmalos: SpankPoker – Part 2

    The game of Spankpoker continues. Martin is not very good at playing so he ends up losing the game. His soft brown ass has changed color after being the one who has lost the most rounds. As the loser of the game not only gets spanked, but he also gets a final humiliation. Alex and the usual Spanker have fun while humiliating Martin.

    La partida de Spankpoker continúa. Martin no es muy bueno jugando así que acaba perdiendo la partida. Su suave culo moreno ha cambiado de color tras ser el que más rondas ha perdido. Como el perdedor de la partida no solo recibe nalgadas, si no una humillación final. Alex y el Spanker habitual se divierten humillando a Martín.

    Spankpoker 游戏继续进行。 马丁不太擅长打球,所以他最终输掉了比赛。 他柔软的棕色屁股在输掉最多回合后变了颜色。 作为游戏的失败者,不仅要打屁股,还要接受最后的羞辱。 亚历克斯和惯常打屁股的人在羞辱马丁的同时玩得很开心


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  • SpankChicosmalos: Gold Spanko Option

    SpankChicosmalos: Gold Spanko

    Become a GOLD SPANKO. Would you like to collaborate with SpankChicosmalos content and have special advantages?

    1- You will be the first one to get discounts on the videos (either on our onlyfans page or with a direct payment through PayPal).

    2- You will be invited to video shootings, so you can meet personally the bad boys and the usual spanker

    3- Your suggestions and customisations  will be taken into account and given priority in future videos (as long as it is possible)

    4- On August 8th (Spanking Day) you will participate automatically in a raffle. If you win you will get ALL NEW VIDEOS COMPLETELY FREE for 1 year

    HOW to become a GOLD SPANKO?

    -You must have bought content for a minimum of 70 USD$ during the last year.

    Purchases made at SpaningkLibrary.com and FetishLibrary.com count as well, but you must send an e-mail to spankchicosmalos@gmail.com with receipts or screenshots which certify the purchase.

    If you have not bought enough content, you still can make donations at onlyfans or PayPal to reach at least 70 USD$.

    If you fulfill the requirements send an e-mail to spankchicosmalos@gmail.com and you will get a response with your GOLD SPANKO number.

    The Gold Spanko option is available via CpankChicosmalos, and is not offered in association with Jock-spank.com

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    All models 18+ proof of age on file

    Click on the Continue Reading tab below to see details of the Gold Spanko Offer in Spanish and Chinese


    Haga clic en la pestaña Continue Reading a continuación para ver los detalles de la oferta Gold Spanko en español y chino

    單擊下面的 Continue Reading 選項卡以查看西班牙文和中文版的 Gold Spanko 優惠詳情

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  • SpankChicosmalos: SpankPoker – Part 1

    SpankChicosmalos: SpankPoker – Part 1

    Gambling might be bad, as well as these boys are. Funny poker game in which Martin, Álex and the usual spanker play together. Their bet: time of getting spanked by the winner’s hand of each round. Depending on the round they lost, the spanking is fully clothed or on their bare bottom. The perfect opportunity for the boys to take their revenge, but they have to be careful, they can lose again. Everyone gets spanked playing this game.

    Quizás esté mal apostar, pero estos chicos son malos. Divertido juego de poker donde juegan Martín y Alex junto al Spanker habitual. Se apuesta tiempo de recibir nalgadas a manos del ganador de cada ronda, dependiendo la ronda la derrota es vestido o con el culo desnudo. Perfecto para que alguno de los chicos puedan vengarse, pero cuidado, posiblemente les vuelva a tocar. Aquí hay para todos.

    赌博可能很糟糕,这些男孩也是如此。 有趣的扑克游戏,其中 MartinÁlex 和通常打屁股的人一起玩。 他们的赌注:每轮被获胜者的手打屁股的时间。 根据他们输掉的回合,打屁股是穿着衣服还是光着屁股。 男孩们复仇的绝佳机会,但他们必须小心,他们可能会再次失败。 每个人玩这个游戏都会被打屁股


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  • SpankChicosmalos: Martin’s first Spanking – 19 Years Old

    SpankChicosmalos: Martin’s first Spanking – 19 Years Old

    Martín, 19 years old, has never been spanked before, until now. Even though he has a good boy’s face, he’s naughtier than he looks. His first spanking shows a lovely ass which will redden. He must make an effort in his studies and this lesson will be very motivational for him.

    Martín, de 19 años años, jamás ha sido castigado, hasta ahora. Su cara de chico bueno engaña, es más travieso de lo que parece. Su primera azotaina deja ver un culo muy bonito que cambiara de color. Debe esforzars

    直到现在,19 岁的马丁从未受到过处罚。 他那张乖孩子的脸是骗人的,他比看起来更调皮。 她的第一次打屁股露出了一个会变色的非常漂亮的屁股。 你应该在学习上更加努力,这节课将对学生产生激励作用


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  • SpankChicosmalos: LAZY STUDENTS – PART 2

    SpankChicosmalos: LAZY STUDENTS – PART 2

    Alex and Mateo thought that their punishment for skipping classes was over after a spanking over the knee. But it only gets worse. Both of them are spanked at the same time. First in all fours, where the more intimate parts of their body can be seen, and then laying down with their legs up. Both of them are ashamed, have a sore bottom and have learned their lesson. They have learned how to be responsible students but they might forget it once their bottoms are no longer red.

    Alex y Mateo creyeron que su castigo por no ir al instituto había terminado con una dosis de disciplina sobre la rodilla. Queda la mejor parte, donde ambos son azotados a la vez, primero a cuatro patas, pudiendo ver las partes más íntimas de su cuerpo y por último tumbados piernas arriba. Ambos avergonzados y con sus bonitos culos doloridos han aprendido a ser alumnos responsables o quizás lo vuelvan a olvidar cuando sus culos se recuperen

    亚历克斯和马特奥认为,他们对不上学的惩罚已经以膝盖上的纪律结束了。 最精彩的部分仍然是,他们同时被打屁股,首先是四肢着地,能够看到他们身体最私密的部位,最后是翘起双腿躺在地上。 既尴尬又屁股酸痛的学生已经学会了负责任的学生,或者也许当他们的屁股恢复时他们会再次忘记它


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  • SpankChicosmalos – January Discount

    Discounts up to *50%*. Available until January 23 at SpankChicosmolos.

    This January you will be able to enjoy many bad boys with their asses punished at a very low price


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    All models 18+ proof of age on file


  • SpankChicosMolos 70% off on “SHOWER AND SPANKING” video

    SpankChicosmolos 70% off on “SHOWER AND SPANKING” video



    Enjoy New Year’s Eve and New Year with this super discount. Only available December 31th and January 1st at SpankingLibrary webpage



    18 U.S.C. 2257

  • SpankChicosmalos: Naughty Boys Don’t Get Presents


    MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone but our new boy Dani. He believes the Three Wise King Men will give him a brand-new video game console. In Mediterranean countries like Spain, tradition says the Three Wise King Men will bring presents to good boys. What Dani doesn’t know is that each year, one of the Three Wise King Men devotes himself to spank naughty boys. He has been a very naughty boy this year, so his smooth ass will be as red as his hair

    FELIZ NAVIDAD, no tanto para nuestro nuevo chico, Dani. El cree que los Reyes Magos le traerán una videoconsola nueva. En los países Mediterráneos como España la tradición es que los tres Reyes Magos traen regalos a los chicos buenos. Dani no sabe que cada año uno de los tres Reyes Magos se dedica a castigar a los chicos malos, el se ha portado muy mal este año, por lo que su suave culito rojo quedará del color de su pelo.

    圣诞快乐,但对我们的新男孩 Dani 而言,圣诞快乐。 他相信三位智者会给他带来一台新的游戏机。 在西班牙等地中海国家,传统是三位智者给好人带来礼物。 丹妮不知道,每年三贤士中有一个专门惩罚坏小子,他今年的表现非常糟糕,所以他那柔软的红屁股将成为她头发的颜色



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  • SpankChicosmalos: Full Direct

    SpankChicosmalos: Full Direct

    Fernando shows his ass over the Internet. Many of his followers enjoy watching his sexy Latino bubble butt. He is caught while doing a live stream, and he gets his ass tanned live, too. A very humiliating situation for him, but very arousing to his followers.

    Fernando enseña su culo en Internet. Muchos de sus seguidores disfrutan viendo su culo latino tan redondo y sexy. Él es descubierto en una emisión en directo y su culo es castigado en pleno directo. Una situación humillante para él, pero muy excitante para sus seguidores

    费尔南多在互联网上展示了他的屁股。 她的许多追随者喜欢看到她圆润性感的拉丁屁股。 他在直播中被发现,他的屁股被直接惩罚了。 对他来说这是一种耻辱的处境,但对他的粉丝来说却非常令人兴奋。


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  • SpankChicosmalos: LAZY STUDENTS, PART 1

    SpankChicosmalos: LAZY STUDENTS, PART 1

    Alex and Mateo decide to leave the institute before the end of the classes, they get bored and want to spend the day being lazy. They are discovered, Alex’s punishment begins, who feels ashamed when his friend can see his ass naked and punished while Mateo laughs, although Mateo will suffer the same fate shortly after

    Alex y Mateo deciden irse del instituto antes de que terminen las clases, se aburren y quieren pasar el día haciendo el vago. Son descubiertos, comienza el castigo de Alex, que siente vergüenza cuando su amigo puede ver su culo castigado mientras Mateo se ríe, aunque Mateo poco después sufrirá el mismo destino

    Alex Mateo 决定在那天放学前出去。 他们感到无聊,想度过懒惰的一天。 他们被发现了,Alex 的惩罚开始了,当Mateo 大笑的时候他的朋友看到​​他被惩罚的屁股时,Alex 感到羞愧,尽管 Mateo 很快就会遭受同样的命运


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