Spankchicosmalos: Naughty Tourist

Spankchicosmalos: Naughty Tourist

Summer has come. This young guy rented a vacation rental and doesn’t respect the rules. He makes too much noise and he’s annoying. He gets punished first with a little red swimsuit, then his ass will be the same color as his swimsuit

El verano ha llegado. Este chico joven alquilo un piso vacacional y no respeta las normas. Hace demasiado ruido y es molesto. Recibe un castigo primero con un pequeño bañador rojo, después con su culo desnudo del mismo color que su bañador

夏天来了。 这个年轻人租了一套度假屋,不遵守规则。 他发出太多噪音而且很烦人。 首先惩罚他的是小红泳衣,然后他的屁股就会和泳衣的颜色一样



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One Response to Spankchicosmalos: Naughty Tourist

  1. Lewd Luis failed to fully realize what a lucky knave he is, getting good grades and everything he needs, including a strict gymnasium where a strap hangs at every wall (however he was never dumb enough to earn a dose, scared-stiff sighting sorrily-sore scarlet-strips in shower on spanked schoolmates’ scorched seats surely sufficed to scare the smart, spoiled squirt) and complete college study, from a rigidly-reliable, responsible father, especially reliably-rigid rules and guidance, which the rascal still needs frequently, sometimes even over daddy’s knee in his bedroom, knowing such re-offense means boxers-only. Father rashly regretted promising him a wish (if legal and affordable) as graduation present once he heard it, but delivered the due delight: for once, no family holiday in a luxury resort, where he feels his fun spoiled by the constantly looming lecture, last year he was dragged up to their room twice for well-deserved hand-spankings on swimwear due to impish pranks. Now he planned to prank and party as never before, without wise paternal restraint, but(t) will regret it even more.
    Indeed, clueless father booked him a nice room in a remodelled former monastery, with a reasonable spending account, but(t) it’s still order-owned and bases its contractually-binding house rules on the venerable Benedictine rule, the (in)famous ‘ora et labora’, which prescribes eight hours daily of labour, sleep and prayer each. So all service (reception, room, restoration, even bar) is restricted to eight working hours, when you can do whatever is your ‘business’, while during breviary, mass, other liturgy (in the parish – but formerly monastic church) and all night, deadly silence must be observed. It’s mainly meant for Streber students committed to hit the books constantly, as the site advertises, but dad only read ‘ideal for students’, unaware it’s all but party-friendly, Luis just trusted his paternal perfect provider blindly as ever, neither suspecting the boy’s brat-butt would become bountifully bareable and beatable.
    Limber lout Luis loves to lambada like lots of Latin-dances, lustily, longing lustfully for lots of limber (Latino?) lovers, so starts at arrival unpacking and undressing on a lively Latin tune, naturally flowing into practicing his seductive moves and sensual sagging … Alas, his grumpy neighbour is none other than the janitor, a mean veteran suffering from tricky tinnitus, a thorny torment, the physical side of serious shell-shock syndromes, who has full authority to maintain order by way of spanking to enforce house-rules ad lib, and is known to enjoy putting brats OTK about as much as he suffers from almost all audible noise they can cause, so rooms far from him are claimed for best-graded regulars, close quarters practically guaranteeing serial squirt-stern-sorrily-sore-sweating spanking-sessions from sternly strict-silence-seeking Sir, who puts in protective ear-plugs to plentifully pound a perfectly-perilously-pantless-presented puerile penitent-pup’s perp-posterior from pristine pink to profound pain-purple, a painstaking process permitting all others at least twenty minutes of noisy business before Sir takes the plugs out, lecturing the softly-subdued-sobbing sorrily-super-sore-smacked, scared-stiff-sex-stick-sporting spankee-squirt to stay super-silent or suffer similar ‘sound’ stripping-and-spanking sessions soon.
    Latino loud-lambada-lover Luis learns these ‘life-long-lasting’ life-lessons the lava-lividly long-and-lots-licked, lowly-lout-lower-libs-lacerating lessons here the haphazard hard-way, humiliatingly-hurdies-helplessly-heightened, howling having his humble-hound-heinie heathenishly-harshly hard-handed-hell-hound-handled half an hour of hellishly-heaped hits-heat on his hotly-hurting-Hispanic-hottie-hide. His initial interest in the ‘intimidating intimacy’ of the imp-intimation, perceiving the prompt private-parts-privacy-privating pantsing, plus penitent-posterior-position-perfecting penis-pinching, a petty punitive-pounder-pleasuring-plus, perishes progressively by the pressing priority of the peeking pain in his poor purpling posterior, prayers and promising proving perfectly pointless.
    Although he learned his lesson and kept quiet as a church mouse for the rest of his July holiday, on Saturdays he and all knaves were ear-dragged to the church for confession, the list of spankings suffered that week spelling for sure similar sound, semi-stripped sufferance on sacral site from the stern sexton’s sturdy sally-switch and a score of swats on the shivering student-squirts’ sizzling scolded-sinner-sterns, super-sensitive-spanked, subsequently sitting sorely the super-long sacred services of several saints selected by senior Benedictines, scared-stiff since the sexton says the slightest sound spells a second, severer-still sally-switching, stripped in the sacristy.
    Luis’s lord-father, learning what fine futures frequently befall the “Benedictine books boys” ‘bove BBs, even by the swell standards of the EU’s Erasmus exchange program, realizing their family still keeps European-emigrated kin like them relatively acquainted with ancestral language and culture, amazingly adopted appropriate ambition, deciding there and then to enter his horrified heir right there for all next academic year, and till then keep him humbled and handled on a tight leash, with a strict Spanish tutor specifically selected as a ‘sound spanker’, again an actual Andalusian avidly applying the ancestral azote to the all-attire-abandoned adolescent’s abject arse abundantly, ably and aptly, and ad-lib for ‘attitude adjustment’ after every session, assuring again and again he’ll toil his tail off to turn all-AAs and avoid any additional azote-arse-applied-agony, and father faithfully follows-up any flogging with further frockless-filial-fanny-flailing, finding fast it’s fairly-fair to find fathering to frightfully-firmly force furthering the filial and family future by fearsome forceful flagellation frankly flogger-fun frat-style for the foremost flailer. From now on, he’ll take proper paternal pride in Luis’s A-behaviour and all-AAs-ambition, and privately a pervy premium-pleasure in paternalistically pressing the poor puerile puppy to perfectionist performance by plenty of perfectly-perilously-presented private-parts-privacy-privated-posterior-pain-purple-pounding even on peccadillo-pretexts, and private pride in perceiving a parallel priapic prominence produced by penile proximity in pitifully-pouting pup and pitilessly-pounding pa’s parallel-pulsating pants-pressing-private-parts.
    Luis and his family will never forget how his and father’s thoughtless holiday choices changed their lives, by chance or rather Divine intervention, ending life-long playtime for the spoiled brat and lax lead-educator establishing eerily-exposed endurance and endless-elder-educator-enjoyment just in time to turn the family firm’s presumed playboy-prince into the perfect person to productively push-on to perplexing prominence by pitiless perfectionism.