- Category Archives Margusta
The next Sting download, Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary, is due to be released this weekend, I will post more pictures when it is released. This short story, set in a penal institution for wayward young men, is a prelude to Sting’s forthcoming DVD ‘Banged Up Borstal days 2’Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary stars Sebastian, Tom Nuttall, Matt Mills and new Sting Star Toby, together with Rusty and Margusta keeping the unruly youths in their place (usually bottom up over someone’s knee!)
There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declatation in the right hand column of this blog
Spanked by Margusta
Margusta the legendary spanker from Sting and British Boys Fetish Club will shortly be launching his own site Margusta.com, watch this space for further announcements
Sting Guest Director Release – “Endurance” staring Robbie
Another Sting Guest release “Endurance” Directed by Margusta and featuring Robbie.Robbie is one of Sting Pictures most favourite models. He has appeared in many of the filmed stories and received just about every instrument of persuasion you could name. He prides himself in being able to take it and does so very stoically although it’s easy to see he’s using all his will power to do it. Margusta’s filmed sequences are different in the way they are made. There are few if any breaks and after he has positioned his cameras you are able to see both facial and business end angles simultaneously. In this short film Robbie is first given a long over the knee spanking after which the bath brush is applied hard and at times in rapid fire! Directly following this sequence the long and very whippy training crop is applied with Robbie counting out all the strokes. The action is long and very hard. Robbie’s firm athletic backside is testament to real punishment all gained through a painful and hard test of Endurance.Links:There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 proof of age / record keeping declaration in the right hand column at this blogMargusta is to launch his own dedicated website in early 2012
New From Sting “Let the Cane take the Strain ” #2
Here are some more pictures from the the new Sting special length download (47.5 minutes) “Let the cane take the strain – Part 1” which has now been released.
Storyline: The rattan cane is probably the most famous of all the punishment instruments. In part one of this drama documentary Sting Pictures takes a look back at the early years of its use and follows through to the 50s and 60s.
The film opens in a 1900 House Of Correction where inmate Johnson (Carlos Fernandez) is summoned to be punished by his Warden. First a good bare bottom spanking followed by a caning face down on the pine scrub top table. He yelps his way through the punishment as different canes are selected. The idea for this sequence is based on an old photo of the period.
Next Robbie features as Naval Training Ship cadet boy seaman Heath up on a charge and sentenced to receive traditional ‘cuts’ of the cane both in tight white naval ducks and on the bare breech. Stoically, like most young cadets, he takes his punishment well.
Moving on in time and down under senior student Hargreaves (Dexter) reports to his house master for late night bullying in the dormitory. Dressed in his pyjamas he gets a long hard spanking and is then told to report back the next day in sports kit for the cane. He has been warned many times but perhaps further 24 strokes of this stinging rod with help him to behave.
Next featuring a 1950s public school environment David McCullock (Matt Mills) reports to his house master for a caning. McCullock’s smooth backside bucks and twists as the biting cane connects with his blemish free bare bottom. After this and to make sure the lad fully understands the master delivers a firm hand spanking!
Now it’s a visit to a 60s Borstal where inmate 43567 Simmonds (Andreas) is receiving a punishment caning from gross miss behaviour. His house officer (Margusta) makes sure the strokes are carefully and well laid on!
In a junior soldiers battalion young junior leader (Sebastian) reports to receive punishment from the Physical Training Instructor (Dexter) in typical army style he is commanded by the PTI to strip, mount the horse and receive 24 cuts of the cane. Legs well apart and bend right over this muscular young squaddie will think again before being brought up on a charge! This feature is part one of a series and will be followed by other stories of masters who much prefer to let the cane take the strain!
Coming this weekend from Sting – Let the cane take the strain Part 1
Coming this weekend from Sting “Let the Cane take the Strain (Part 1)” is an examination of the use of the rattan cane in institutions of reform and education. It stars Matt Mills, Robbie, Sebastian, Andreas, Carlos Fernandez and Dexter, with a appearance by a cane wielding Margusta. More details (and pictures) to follow …..
Sting – Sixth Formers (the new term) Part 3
Rich from Sting has sent me a huge batch of additional pictures from Sting’s new extra length download
“Sixth Formers – the New Term”I shall post them in two batches first set today and the rest tomorrow.
Sixth Formers – the new term includes scenes from previously unreleased footage of Margusta and NathanSome images from wonderful scene featuring a drunken Darren and Robbie being caned by Rob and then birched by Rusty (Mr. Klaus) immediately afterward. The moment where Darren walks. naked, across the room with his cherry red globes juggling as he does so is quite unforgettable!
Links:Sixth Formers – the new term (Download)
Stinglads Google group (fan group)
A link to the Sting 18 USC. 2257 proof of age / record keeping declaration is in the right hand column at this blog
Sting – Sixth Formers (the new term) Part 2
The second set of pictures from Sting’s latest download
“Sixth Formers – the New Term”Links:Sixth Formers – the new term (Download)
Stinglads Google group (fan group)
A link to the Sting 18 USC. 2257 proof of age / record keeping declaration is in the right hand column at this blog
New from Sting – “TS Morsus – Before the mast”
Something really special from Sting Pictures, the latest download “TS Morsus – Before the Mast” takes us into life on the the Naval training ship “TS Morsus” with a crew of naughty young sailors, including Darren, Andreas, Stefanal, Rusty and Toby, put through their paces by senior crew members Dexter, Rich, Rob and Margusta.Here is the synopsis from Sting: It’s all at sea with this nautical download story set in the naval training ship T.S Morsus (any students of Latin might like to look that up) Captain Harcourt runs a tight ship and has lately been very pleased with the disciplinary methods employed by newly posted Petty officer Svenson of 16 mess.
All the Boy Seaman at TS Morsus were drafted knowing that bare bottom discipline was part of the routine and the Divisional Officer of Connaught Division, Lieutenant James, was to over see several punishment parades. In this story we take a look at five defaulters who are charged with offences that will warrant some form of ‘gunner’s daughter’ discipline. First up are Boy Seaman Davidson and Harris having fallen foul of the rule book. On the spot and unofficial is how PO Svenson likes to work and both Davidson, Harris and later Signal Boy Osborne will feel the hot sting of his open palm. Official punishments too follow a defaulter’s parade where both Boy Seaman Davison and Harris are to receive the birch counted out over the horse with the Captain in attendance.
Later Boy Seaman Carling and Adams receive the wrath of PO Svenson after breaking Rule Three continually larking about after lights out. Cuts offences 4A or caning is one punishment most of the lads try to avoid but Signal Boy Osbourne is out of luck and is sentenced to a caning at defaulter parade for gross infringement of the rules. TS Morsus… Before The Mast is Stings first longer look back at the lives of British Boy Seaman and the legendary harsh regime under which they were trained. Stand by your beds!
Links: www.stingpictures.tv
“TS Morsus – Before the Mast” Download
Sting from MansHandFilms – for US Users
STING – The Sixth Formers & Mr Svenson – more (High Quality) images
CLICK HERE to view images of Mr Svenson and the Sixth Formers at the Feel the Sting site
The Sixth Formers & Mr Svenson
Coming soon from Sting. Andreus and Rob, both from Estonia play Sixth form school boys (the English equivalent of senior year students) who are disciplined by the ever popular Margusta as Mr Stevenson.