BBFC: Viktor OTK

BBFC: Viktor OTK

A requested clip for Viktor. Dimitri brings the lad in by the ear and gets him OTK.


His heavy hand lands on the lads rear and the jeans offer very little protection.


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Dimitri gives a warm up to remember before getting those jeans out of the way. Viktor has a super little butt and in the striped boxers show it off to perfection. The swats make the lad curl his legs up as his butt gets hotter each time.







The bare ass spanking really hits home and the moans and whimpers from Viktor keep coming, Dimitri has done a super job on Viktor. A great OTK for this lad .





2 Responses to BBFC: Viktor OTK

  1. I think Dimitry needs a spanking too (as Dimitri, not at Hard and humiliately.

  2. Haha! Is it just me, or is young Viktor’s bottom getting more prominent?

    It is interesting to speculate on what makes a boy’s bottom spankable: a small, pert bottom on a slender twinky lad can be very smackable, but then so can a prominent and very well-rounded bum! Viktor’s super-spankable buttocks definitely come into the latter category!

    As Viktor was led into the room to be disciplined, memories came back from younger days of being led to the ‘Seat of Learning’ by my ear and laid over the knee! Ear-pulling is painful and humiliating and shows the lad who is about to be punished that the spanker means business! The blue jeans complement Viktor’s spankable rear beautifully, but boy, when they come down! Horizontally-striped boxer briefs always bring out the roundness of a lad’s bottom, and this particular selection from Viktor’s pants-drawer are no exception! And let’s face it, in this young rascal’s case, there is a lot of roundness to bring out!

    An intense spanking, laid on with Dimitri’s usual vim and vigour and Viktor suffers under it as a boy should when he is getting his bottom smacked! Clearly getting Dimitri’s hand across the bum is not a soft option for a boy – he evidently doesn’t need an instrument of punishment to administer effective discipline! As Viktor visibly limps away after the smacking his demeanour is exactly what a lad’s ought to be after corporal punishment. Just how my naughty boys look when they straighten up off my knee (or from over the desk if they’ve been getting the cane or the strap!). If a boy isn’t limping after smacking, you haven’t done the job properly!