CP4Men: Hotel Porter Punishment! Featuring Ashley

CP4Men: Hotel Porter Punishment! Featuring Ashley

Not a good day for Ashley. He has been asked by one of the hotel guest to iron his trousers but the iron is too hot and burns a big hole!. Ashley doesn’t want to lose his job and suggests to the guest he gets his his bottom spanked instead. Maybe next time he’ll pay more attention to his ironing skills!


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7 Responses to CP4Men: Hotel Porter Punishment! Featuring Ashley

  1. Hi, Ashley is a super great model. He wears the coolest clothes to get spanked in and has the perfect spanking ass in and out of pants..!😊. Please keep more of his spankings and scnerios coming. Tell Ashley hi please. Are you guys in the USA or British

    Thank you

    • Hi Ron glad your as excited by Ashley as I am! There’s a lot more to come from Ashley over the months to come. In total I’ve done 3 shoots with him and aiming for a 4th! I am a British company but next month I’m flying to the USA for holiday but also filming a very nice boy while I’m there. It’s hard work but someone’s got to do it ! 😂

      • Hi John, thank you for the reply. Nice to hear from you and that Ashley will be in more videos. He is a great model for you. He had the best ass and his jeans/pants always show off too.
        Where in the US will you be? I’m in Wisconsin. I did buy the latest video , the hotel one yesterday. It’s awesome. Well, you just keep on keeping these guys in line. You do a good job of it😁 Hope your day is going well!!

        • Hi Ron Yes Ashley is certainly a great find and I would be crazy not to get as many videos done with him as possible. Plus the fact he is a really nice boy and great to work with. My partner and I are being real tourists. We are doing part of the famous Route 66. Starting in Chicago and going as far as Oklahoma. After which I’m visiting a friend in San Diego then across to Toronto to visit my brother-all in just over two weeks! It’s our first real holiday since COVID so we are looking forward to it.

          • Your US vacation will be wonderful. Good you can finally get out and travel again, enjoy every minute of it 😊 I can’t wait to see the boy you are going to spank in the US. Let me know when you have posted it. Thank you for your speedy replies. Stay in touch
            PS: Give Ashley another spanking before you leave on your trip, I’m sure he messed up again 😁

            • Hi Rob the boy I’m going to spank is very boyish and has appeared on other websites. I’m so looking forward to spank and all American boy with an All-American accent. I love it when I hear American boys say the number four when they’re being told to count out their punishment there’s a certain richness to the accent lol. S4 Ashley I’m afraid he’s a very busy boy but trust me there’s lots more to come!

              • Well, sounds like a fun time for you to spank this boy😊 Let me know when you have it posted. Mmmm

                I did buy the video with Ashley in the hotel problem he did, hallirious ad far as burning a hike in the pants. You really spanked him pretty well, lol

                Let’s see what the scnerio is on the U S boy!!