BBFC: Philip and Leon Paddled

BBFC: Philip and Leon Paddled

Leon makes a big mistake when he accuses Philip of stealing his Tshirt. Philip is a big lad and not to be messed with and when the two start to fight Leon is thrown around like a feather.




The fight is just warming up when they are caught making a noise.


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Philip is told to stand and wait while Leon gets a set OTK. Knowing that Leon started the fight Philip cannot help but look round and laugh at him.


This is spotted and the boys swap over and Philip finds himself getting a spanking OTK. Now it is Leon’s turn to laugh at him.



That is spotted and as the situation needs to be controlled and lessons taught, the two lads are told to strip off and wait.

No sooner are they naked and Leon starts on about the T-shirt again and they start to fight.


They are caught at it again and there is only one way to stop them thinking they have got away with it and that’s to paddle them both together. But as a change to the usual side-by-side spanking Leon is pushed down to kneel over the couch and Philip is placed on top of him.


Two glorious butts presented well for the paddle, and a hard paddling is what they get. Leon’s ass soon has a bloom on it and is followed by Philip’s glowing rear end. This is a hard spanking and the lads know they have crossed the line.






But it is always a risk spanking Philip because of the way he reacts, and this time is not different. His ass glowing he gets excited and dumps a big load all over Leon. Leon protests and the two are separated, Leon told to go and shower while Philip gets some extra swats for his lack of control. A great clip with these two guys.




One Response to BBFC: Philip and Leon Paddled

  1. Philip never disappoints. A great muscled bubble butt and the crazy excited attitude with a load shot in the end. I love boys who need discipline AND drop a load as a result of their arousal. Do I know how it feels, man! Oh yeah! 🙂