BBFC: Lefteris Late Home

BBFC: Lefteris Late Home

Dawdling along on his way home Leftris seems like he has not got a care in the world.


But he is wrong, he is late and as soon as he walks in through the door he is in trouble.


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He drops his bag and has to go OTK without delay. He gets a good lesson in time keeping from now to the end of the clip. A good warm up on the trousers sets the pace and once they are down he gets the next set on the underwear. With a leg slightly cocked his cute little butt takes on a great profile, ideal for a naughty lad.








Then a bare butt spanking shows him off just right and that little wobble of the buns makes it a super climax to the clip. lets hope Lefteris is late again in the future .
