Sting Spanking Classic – Tales from The Headmaster’s Study 12 (part 2 of 2) plus Video Preview

Scenes three and four of the Sting Spanking Classic

Tales from The Headmaster’s Study 12

Click Here to view Part One

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Later that week the Headmaster sends Barratt (Jaxon Radoc) the cricket captain to his Housemaster for throwing a cricket ball at another boy in anger, causing injury.

His Housemaster delivers retribution in the form of an over the knee spanking.


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This turns young Barrett’s curvaceous bare bottom as red as the ball he had thrown.

However, the India rubber sole of the Housemaster’s gym slipper really finishes the job and has the young cricket captain yelping in pain.





Sixth former Guy Richardson (Rudi Vallance) has reached that ‘too old to be punished’ youthful insolent stage which doesn’t impress the Headmaster one little bit.

Deciding this senior boy needs taking down a peg or too, before lights out, he takes him over his knee in his pyjamas and spanks his muscular and rounded bare bottom.




The spanking though is just a precursor; he has offended far too often and a freshly made birch has been ordered from the Bursar. Richardson will feel its burning angry twigs biting in to his defenceless bare bottom the very next day. Time perhaps for the teenaged tearaways to think again.


