BBFC: Alejandro in Trouble

BBFC: Alejandro in Trouble

He is supposed to be cleaning the house but he is playing around with his phone and wasting time, Alejandro never seems to learn.

So its no wonder he finds himself ass up over the knee getting a walloping.


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But its not just an OTK he needs, he needs something more to make him buck his ideas up. So when he is kneeling on the couch presenting his ass he gets another good spanking there as well, and as his junk is just hanging there that gets a tug as well for good measure.


I wonder if he is the sort of lad that learns from his mistakes, somehow I doubt it.



One Response to BBFC: Alejandro in Trouble

  1. Andalusian aristocratic all-AAs-adolescent Alejandro is a nice, smart knave, reliably respectful and obedient, getting good grades and trying his best to please his betters, without backtalk even when once more they bluntly bare and beat his ‘bloody brat butt’ brutally, bare-boyhood-beheld, bountifully blistered beyond bearable. At school, he gets his satisfaction from good grades and building his future, at last back home at the castle he can refuel in palatial luxury with spankably-shivering staff waiting on him like his spanking kin-betters on hand and foot. Now however, his Summer was from playtime perverted to ‘paytime’, endlessly enduring eerily-exposed elaborate exemple-spankings for the bloody benefit of scores of strangers, and again for fucking frat-chapters’ fun.
    Despite having missed out on about all holiday fun to be fucking-frequently flailed (foremost frockless) for -foremost foreigner- floggers-fun, returning to routine at school felt like relative relief, remarkably reducing the rotten risk of rascal-rear-red-raw-ravaging-rages. He looked forward to turning tables on castle staff all weekend, only to find them locked-out to prevent a pay-strife-strike as the petty penny-biting patriarch pushed the payrise-parlor poorer-still, promising a one percent payrise way under inflation, pittiless proof they are dispensable. Until new staff is recruited and prepped at even lower pay and poorer conditions from the plentitude of penniless illegal immigrants, each noble-born knave is commandeered to cover for countless commoner-crew-chores, compounded from all working class week to the whippersnappers’ worker-woes-doomed weekend.
    Alejandro worries wretchedly, working his tail off to compliantly kitchen-scrum and clean half the castle, he may run out of time to confer with his study group on an urgent assignment, desperately needing to compare research results for their due papers, hence hastily texts instructions for the others who regularly rely on his heuristic guidance. Now sadistically-strict uncle Axel ‘catches him red-handed on his smartphone’, although cleaning well on schedule, seeing a spankophile chance to strip and spank the splendid-studly stripling-student ‘soundly’.
    Tearfully, the tush-thrashed knave knows not only his trouserless-trembling teen-tail is to be tender-tanned thoroughly to the thundering tush-tormentor’s thorny taste, he will also be unable to complete his comprehensive cleaning chores-list, incurring another flogging in the bare from the patriarch, maybe even a naked night in the stocks as every day the ‘laziest staffer’ lingers, and certainly loose his impeccable student record as his paper will be late, so the master will cane his whole study group and a prefect will double the doses he deserves rather then his five study mates, decupling his criss-cross-cones-covering crimson cuts count, impossible to cure or cover by next weekend, when his warned-by-housemaster wildy-worried ancestors and assorted attending aristocrats will wickedly-well wield on the worm-wretchedly-wriggling whallopped-wailing whippersnapper their worshipful-woe-waking whooper whip, the ancestral Andalusian azote, abundantly agonizing his absolutely-abject-arse again and again, aristocrat after ancestor. If the staff trouble isn’t solved by then, the whole cycle may start all over, and another paper is probably due again.