Spanking Straight Boys: Lack of Respect

Spanking Straight Boys: Lack of Respect

Drake is back. When the cameras are off, Drake tends to be sullen. He is constantly texting and messaging on his phone (it is practically an appendage). However, if you can manage to interrupt his phone usage, most people would agree that Drake is engaging and funny.

One person who doesn’t think Drake is engaging and funny is the stylist who cut his hair about 45 minutes before this spanking. Tom had taken Drake to get his hair cut. He hadn’t noticed anything wrong until Drake walked up to the register. He was complaining loudly and repeatedly about the haircut he had gotten. He only wanted the stylist to trim 1/4” from his hair, and she apparently cut off around 1/2”. It was a very uncomfortable situation.


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Tom sent Drake to the car and apologized to and paid the stylist. Drake may have had a point. Perhaps the stylist had cut too much of his hair off. Regardless, his reaction was unseemly and completely disrespectful. Creating a scene and embarrassing Tom publicly isn’t something you want to do right before Tom spanks you.

Tom puts Drake over his knee and gives him a hard spanking by hand and with a leather belt. Drake does plenty of squirming, kicking, grunting and groaning as he tries to endure his punishment. Tom’s pretty sure Drake won’t embarrass him again.

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18. U.S.C. 2257

5 Responses to Spanking Straight Boys: Lack of Respect

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Will Wes comeback?

  2. Could Drake be heading for a swishing ? I wouldn’t be surprised…. 🙂

  3. Question, Was there a photo set made for this video
    and if there was, could you repost it?