Spanked Footballers (Part 1)

 In this recent release by Straight Lads Spanked, Dom and Harry star as two
The two handsome lads are the local team’s two top football players, but they have managed to loose the game by fighting over a girl and are sent to Mr X to experience his unique and effective method of dealing with unruly young lads.

Both boys are still squabbling and blaming each other
Mr X decides to get to the bottom(s) of the problem, what follows is 23 minutes of virtually non-stop spanking 
Harry goes over Mr X’s knee first for a hard spanking on the seat of his football shorts
Harry is followed over Mr X’s experienced knee by Dom ..
Who also receives a firm lecture from Mr X

Next the boys are spanked in their underpants ..
  Again Harry goes first
Dom laughs at the sight of his team mate in such a humiliating position …

But the grin is soon wiped off his face
as Mr X pulls down the young Soccer player’s pants
And places Dom’s underpants covered bottom over his knee 
Soon Dom too is getting what he deserves …
… a good, hard, over the knee spanking!!
The lads’ tender bottoms are only protected by the thin fabric of their underpants …
Soon even that protection is gone – the next stage of the spanking will be on their 
bare bottoms!!
If the boys think they  are sore now, just wait till they find out what’s coming!!

Expect two very sore and very red bottoms


Links provided to respect the intellectual property rights of the creator these images 

9 Responses to Spanked Footballers (Part 1)

  1. Dom is so hot, I love his facial expressions

    • Thanks Judah! Yeah Dom has great facial reactions when getting spanked. In this movie though, my favourite ones were when Dom was watching his real life friend Harry getting stripped and spanked!

  2. I wish I was Mr X, how do I apply for that job?

    • Hey Anonymous, you can actually apply for the job. The interview takes place in Central London however the back of the queue is currently north of Glasgow!

  3. I’d really like to see Dom in an encounter with Uncle Andy and a stinging, rubber soled slipper. No offense to Mr X (Dave/Dad) but it would be so hot to see a naked Dom over Andy’s knee being spanked and lectured.

    Maybe Dom could be still damp from a shower, or am I getting too kinky?

    • Hello Daddy D!

      No offense taken. All I’m going to say is keep your eyes out for this Friday’s new release!


  4. Just purchased this video. Dom is so hot. Football kit is a big turn on for me and he looks fantastic in it. Hope to see more of him in footy kit!

    • Thanks Lee, Glad you liked the movie and thanks again to JockSpank for spreading the word! I don’t currently have any more Dom football kit movies filmed but I’ll see what I can do.

  5. Dom needs his cheeks spread and his naughty hole spanked as well, that would send the message home