Snowhite in “Caned and Belted”

Magic Spanking Factory: Snowhite, now a father of a six week old boy which he decided to call Jonathon funnily enough, came round to collect a good hard beating. Using a belt to warm his smooth buttocks up JustMagic soon had him moaning and groaning. When his shorts and underpants are removed his perfect globes reveal the severity of the ferocious belt whipping. 

His punishment is finished off with twelve hard strokes of the cane. 

Links  provided out of respect for the Magic Spanking Factory’s intellectual ownership 

6 Responses to Snowhite in “Caned and Belted”

  1. Hot!

  2. nice if i was caning him i would tell him not to clench or he will be caned with the ginger root in his bottom so if he does clench lesson will be learned!

  3. nice but teach him not to clench or give him a bath brush spanking OTK every time he clenches then continue with cane i learned that way!!

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I meant my comment as a joke btw.

    • I thought you probably did, but others might not have understood, which is why it didn’t approved. However, most of your messages got through 🙂

  5. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Okay lol 🙂