School Training: Late Detention at Bottom Line

School Training: Late Detention

Hector has tracked down late comers Aiden and Eric as the school detention training continues.


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School Training: Late Detention


Title 2257

One Response to School Training: Late Detention at Bottom Line

  1. Jackson having ‘sung’ two more names of ‘pervert’ mates while ‘doing the dance’ to housemaster’s rod tune, Aiden and Eric are sent to join him and Alex on this dreaded disciplinary detention, ‘destined’ for their doubled derriere-dermis-damning doses after the relatively-light ‘lame’ regulation-spankings for routine demeanours. Proof was undeniable and easily found, as Aiden was found dozed off with contraband cartoon copies hidden between his handbook, ironically on ethics and religions, which headmaster decides to punish him for next detention, declaring waiting for it ‘poetic justice’, in order to circumvent the regulation maximum CP per session, and all regular spankees like these two know strict Sir is very creative in defining poetic justice for this very purpose, so Eric counts himself lucky to be spared the same defrocked-derriere-dermis-dooming-duplication decree.
    Like most pragmatical disciplinarians, hiding-happy headmaster Hector dislikes ‘warm-up’ hand-spanking, seeing no practical sense in risking to hurt his hard-handed-harsh-humble-hounds-handler-hand when a bare-butt battering is about the bring a bad-behaved brat to butt-brilliantly-burning bawling by beechwood, but(t) grudgingly realizes the school CP rules forbid follow-up after formal paddling, as they impose ‘ceiling’ swats-tariffs for many spankable demeanours, even more frustrating for the fenced-in fledgling-fanny-flailer-fun.
    When spankophile strict Sir snapped, after reading the (full-)tariff sentences to this Asian pair, convinced they obviously deserve a lot more and nude OTK follow-up as he knows their Confucian upbringing never fails to provide ’wisely’ at home, Aiden was dumb enough to retort Sir should consider the notes in their school agendas guarantee they will domestically suffer punishment-stick and BA OTK as well ‘soon enough’, which inspired Sir to call father Kim, as the PTA president, hinting some loco-parentis-formula might contribute to completing a continuous Confucian contemptable-conduct-containment.
    Kim-senior completely concurred on complete-compliance-compelling by complementary clothless-cur-cones-castigation. Considering ‘quick justice’ is better served on campus, without excluding ‘home rule’ hiding as crowning third stage, it was agreed the school would ‘host’ a cadet program, formally independent, hence for a formal $1 fee, sponsored by PTA parental companies, mainly Kim Industries, which hires headmaster and his most-feared-flogging assistant coach to provide additional academic and ‘field’ trainings, plentifully and pitifully preparing poor puerile preppie pups, parentally paid pittance, for a possible war effort, say an intervention in Ukraine or any Jihadist-infested backwater, with a special ‘torture training’ routine, not unlike detention, where no regulation CP limit applies, so they could get what they deserve to headmaster’s sadistic satisfaction, after the ‘softy’ dose in school detention and followed by wickedly-well-whipped workovers at home.