• Stingstruments – Part 2 – the Birch

     Following on from PartOne covering the cane, Part Two of Stingstruments looks at the Birch.
    Probably as well known as the rattan punishment cane it was also used in schools, Borstals, Prisons, Naval training ships and many judicial institutions across Europe. Firstly in a 1900’s House Of Correction a young strapping tearaway (Rusty) receives a sentence of 24 strokes held securely over the traditional birching pony. As the strokes build the legendary growing sting of the birch takes effect. Soon he is twisting and growling, his bare backside burning red as the biting twigs land very hard!……….


    Next up, wearing his stripped Pyjamas, it’s a good old traditional spanking from Dad none too pleased that the lad has been in trouble. This hard slapping over freshly laid birch strokes brings more hell fire to the lad’s already well-marked bottom! ………

     A further scene features another use of the birch. Rusty now plays a Naval training ship cadet ordered to receive 18 cuts bare breech. Taking down his white duck bell bottoms he positions himself over the gym horse, his well-rounded buttocks now raised high. The CPO takes up the instrument, all too well known in naval circles and lays on the cuts as sentenced. Taking his birching punishment like a man as stoic naval cadets were expected to do requires all the cadet’s resilience. The birch cuts home stroke after stroke again building in intensity till the lads bare backside is enflamed and raw.
    Reporting afterwards to the sick bay for an application of antiseptic was mandatory in days gone by and our cadet too is happy to receive this treatment especially after a dose of this latest Stingstrument: The Birch. 

    A link to the Sting 2257 proof of age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog

  • Poor Shaun’s report and his sadistic step dad

    Unlucky Young Shaun ends up with a very sore and well spanked bottom, due to an unfortunate combination of a poor school report and a sadistic Stepfather, in a new video release from MancSpank
    After going out for a jog poor Shaun is ordered into his Stepfather’s study.  

    His Step Dad is furious he went out instead of studying, shorts yanked down he is thrown over the knee and spanked hard First over his lycra shorts before they too are yanked down for a good hard bare bottom spanking.

    Shaun is then sent to the corner rubbing his sore red bottom.

    The next day dressed in school uniform a nervous Shaun hands his report to his step dad who is disgusted with the poor grades. Shaun’sn trousers and underpants are straight down and the unlucky lad is back over Dad’s knee for a blistering bare bottom spanking.

    Standing in the corner, his bare red bottom on display, Shaun awaits the next stage of his punishment
    Shaun’s stepfather commands him to kneel on a chair with his bare bottom high in the air and he is then leathered with the Lochgelly tawse.
    Finally the cane!!
    Shaun bends over the gym horse crying and pleading with his dad not to punish him any more!
      Poor Shaun the more he cries the harder his cruel and silent stepfather canes his bare bottom

      Poor Shaun, he sure won’t be sitting down comfortably for some time to come!!

    Lesson: If you have a sadistic stepfather, make sure you don’t bring home a bad school report!!
    The video can be purchased from 

    There is a link to the MancSpank 18.USC.2257 notice in the right hand column at this blog

  • The Guy Next Door!

    Brett’s next door neighbour has a hot tub. Brett decides to take his mates over for some fun in the tub. The lads are having a great time, stripping off and drinking beer in the hot tub. The owner turns up unexpectedly. One lad makes a run for it whilst the other three have to pay the price, either get punished or the guy next door is gonna tell Brett’s Mum and Dad The three boys end up inside the neighbours house, still naked from the hot tub fully exposed for all to see. The neighbour puts them over a spanking bench and one by one the are given a hard caning. The neighbour really goes to town and dishes out some more, this time with each naughty lad strapped down over the bench!
    (This clip contains scenes of naked straight guys getting caned)! 

    Video trailer


  • Sting – Discipline Downunder – Ahorangi College!

    Discipline Down Under – Ahorangi College! is a new mid length Sting download, set in 1950’s Australia and staring Damien Drake, Carlos Fernandez, Tom Nuttall and new Sting actor Kyle Wilkinson.
    The day to day running of a busy college means that discipline amongst the students is important to maintain. They in turn have their arguments and disagreements. None more so than Cougan (Damien Drake) He has been fighting with McKenzie (Carlos Fernandez) again and will have to answer to his housemaster. Not really in the mood to tolerate Cougan’s antics the incident is swiftly dealt with by using his pliable white gym shoe. This is followed by a stinging bare bottom spanking just too nicely round off the fiery effect of the gym shoe………….

    Knocking on the door of the Heads study is Donovan (Tom Nuttall) his constant interruptions during morning assembly has now brought him before the boss! The luckless student is soon grabbing his ankles to feel the burning sting of the rattan cane on his tight grey shorts. It’s not long before he’s also feels its burning stripes on his crisp white briefs and finally very sore bare bottom!

    (The cane marks on his bottom will be brought alive again a short time later when, after an incident during the cross country run, Donovan finds the pounding flat of the Heads palm cracking on to his still very sore bare bottom.)

    Now it’s McKenzie’s turn to report to the deputy Head and receive punishment for fighting. Starting with a good spanking this is followed up with a red hot bare bottom slippering to imprint the message home & Behave!

    Upstairs in the staff room the deputy head awaits the arrival of Morgan (Kyle Wilkinson) He has seen fit to bunk of college and go swimming in the local river. It may be hot but now it’s going to get much hotter for Morgan. Out comes the brown leather belt and over the desk goes Morgan, his bare bottom getting redder by the stroke. After this he knows it’ll be a spanking, raw backside or not the rules must be obeyed when you are a student at Ahorangi College


    A link to the Sting 2257 proof of age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog

  • SpankThis! – Chris Riverz Red Ass

    Jeff Sterne isn’t to happy with Riverz recent performance, so he bends him over the knee and gives him a good whacking. A scene from SpankThis Web Exclusive

    Video trailer

    From the forthcoming SpankThis Web Exclusive.


    There is a link to the SpankThis 18.USC.2257 proof of age /record keeping declaration in the right hand column of this blog