New From Sting – College Crimes (Part 1)

The latest download from Sting College Crimes is 40 minutes long and features a host of new and established sting actors

Due to its length and the number of scenes, I will post this set of preview pictures in two halves


 It is morning and across town young guys are heading for college. In one part of the city Johnny Casper (Damien Drake) is catching his bus as usual …

 This time however he decides to re decorate the upper deck with his marker pen……

 …. this is much to the annoyance of the conductor (Dexter) who decides more than a little discipline is needed and puts young Casper over his knee (This appearance by Damien Drake was his first ever role in a Sting film)

 Meanwhile, two college lads Collins (Luke Desmond) and Grafton (Milo Taylor) deciding it’s just too hot a day for studying so they bunk off lessons. Whilst sitting in the park they begin to remember some of the incidents of the past week…..

.. remembering one recent event that involving a college boarder, Nick Slater who had decided to execute a daring night right on the tuck shop store cupboard. The unlucky lad had been caught by Mr Brookes, the new young teacher who had recently joined the college (Mike Cross). The next day Slater is dealt with by Mr Brookes who administers a bare bottom spanking …

… followed by a stinging session with the gym slipper. 
The next event concerns young Mr Brookes himself who is caught out selling grass to his sixth formers….
Feeling unduly generous the Headmaster allows him the choice of being disciplined like a sixth former. He agrees and a good bare bottom spanking  …..

 …and belting follow suit. 

Leaving the handsome young school master in some difficulty when he next tries to sit down!! 

Another disciplinary event involving both Nichols (Marco) and Rutherford (Leonardo King) is then remembered …..

They had been fighting after a disagreement about a football match and soon discover that one result of fighting is a very sore bottom ……

More of their ordeal in part 2, which will be posted this evening…..
TO BE CONTINUED …………………………………….!

College Crimes
There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog

8 Responses to New From Sting – College Crimes (Part 1)

  1. Avatar Tawser2
    Tawser2 says:

    Sting is top – there is no contest!

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    So true! they all try to copy them but fail every time.

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    part 2!!!!!

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    marco and leo…so juicy…

  5. trailer would be good

  6. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I did enjoy this clip however I only got it for the OTK scenes other scenes don’t appeal to me I found that the lighting was far to dark in the video and I would have preferred if the lads was ask to remove there briefs of completely and legs apart OTK better views đŸ˜‰ which make a better video STING sometimes don’t do that but sometimes do it’s okay but wish there was more shots of the lads legs apart. Ps. Luke D is huge đŸ˜® lol

  7. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    whatever happened to luke desmond?