• Pedro’s Wheelbarrow Spanking

    Pedro is once again in trouble; he is drawn along by his ear by the Master who orders he will now be punished with the bath brush while in the uncomfortable and humiliating wheelbarrow position. His initial punishment this is followed by a vigorous hand spanking. The master then continues to punish the student, this time it’s with the painful wooden paddle all the while still in the uncomfortable and humiliating wheelbarrow position, as usual this is followed by a good hand spanking, putting yet even more strain on poor Pedro’s endurance.



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  • A Spanking History Lesson From Copper (Part 10) Daddy Howard

    A further instalment of the Artist’s Copper’s history of Male Spanking videos



    DADDY HOWARD (real name Howard Hyatt) was a staple in the gay BDSM scene in San Francisco, California since the early 1980’s. He was a member of “The 15 Association,” and an active participant in the Folsom Street Fair for a number of years. Howard was a very over-weight, bearded, bear-type, who was always the only top in his videos.

    Howard purchased a video camera in the late 1980’s and he frequently videotaped his spanking sessions. In the early-90’s, he began sharing them with friends. Then, with the popularity of the internet, in 1998 Howard opened a website, offering his videos for sale on VHS cassettes. These were “home movies” at best, often using a single unmanned camera, with no editing or storylines. He eventually began using two cameras, alternating between the two angles. In order to make his videos last longer, he often offered “raw video” from both cameras following the edited version, effectively tripling the film’s running time. In most cases he would have the models masturbate after the spanking.

    The vast majority of Daddy Howard’s videos had no real plot – simply men being ordered to strip and bend over while Howard spanks them with a variety of tools. Later in his career, he began suggesting stories, although minimal, and still focusing on boys quickly getting naked and spanked.

    Daddy Howard videos were only available on VHS cassettes and sold for $20 each. Since they were created at home by connecting two VHS tape machines, he would often create custom videos for regular customers by combining a couple of scenes on a single cassette for a reduced price. Starting in September of 2009, Howard began posting his video collection on the Clips4Sale site, under the studio name Spank-The-Boy Videos (Store #11047). The videos now ranged in price from $4.99 to $28.99, depending on the quality and running time of the clip.

    As mentioned in a previous article, Howard was featured in one commercial video, “The Misadventures of Rusty,” released by the Santa Barbara Paddle Co. in 1997. While no one knows exactly how many videos of Howard spanking men were made over the years, he offered 179 different titles for sale.

    Also, in 2009 Howard left San Francisco and moved to Ontario, Canada to live with his new husband. He continued producing videos, even though his health was failing. The last video posted by Daddy Howard was “Wanker at 19” posted to Clips4Sale on December 1, 2013. Howard Hyatt passed away on Christmas Day in 2017.

    You can find a couple of Daddy Howard videos (“The Last Straw” and “Fernando”) on Pornhub, but the vast majority of his catalog is still available for purchase by download through Clips4Sale. Naturally it is uncertain how long his “studio” will remain on that site.

    Attached are a few remnants of Howard’s videos including his favorite face shot (above), a couple images of him spanking, a page from his first, typewritten “catalog” and then two pages of never-before-published photographs that were taken behind the scenes during the taping of his segment from “The Misadventures of Rusty.”

    Click HERE to view earlier instalments

  • BBFC: Meet Panos

    BBFC: Meet Panos

    Panos is almost the boy next door, well a couple of miles down the road. He has spoken of coming a few times and today he decided to make it. He was late as he had been out with friends and forgot the time.

    Looking rather sheepish he knows what’s to come and is thinking maybe he should not have said yes.


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  • Video Preview Trailer For the Sting Spanking Classic “Burned By Temptation”


    Video Preview for the Sting Spanking Classic

    Burned By Temptation

    Starring Rudi Vallance and Damien Drake

    Click Here to view the pictures and storyline


    For the next three weeks a full sized, version of the video preview trailer can be downloaded from SendSpace by CLICKING HERE


    The video preview can also be viewed at Spanking Tube





    Burned By Temptation in 1080p Extra High Definition

    Burned By Temptation
    in Standard Definition


    A version of this video will also be available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale shortly, for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.

    Sting Pictures


    Feel The Sting Blog

    Sting Lads – Only Fans

    Title 2257

  • Spanking Army Boys

    0203 army (FULL VERSION)

    The recruit Duncan has been sentenced to a disciplinary punishment and so is reporting to the marshal for it. Duncan readies himself by stripping and submitting his punishment, he hesitates for a moment before removing his boxers and is finally bare assed, finding himself now embarrassed at being naked in front of another man. The marshal proceeds to then punish him severely, dishing out a hard caning on his ass which is followed by a vigorous hand spanking. Even though this is his first time of being punished with a cane and the strokes are hard the boy endeavors to endure it like a true soldier. Duncan’s ordeal continues with him receiving a dose of the nine tailed whips, and the leather strap. Through it all he receives many a hand spanking.



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  • Sting: Video Preview for Discipline USA 12

    The Video Preview for

    Discipline USA 12

    Starring Archie Hunt and Marco

    CLICK HERE to view the pictures and storyline


    For the next three weeks a high definition, version of the video preview trailer can be downloaded from SendSpace by CLICKING HERE


    The video preview can also be viewed at Spanking Tube




    Discipline USA 12 in 1080p Extra High Definition

    Discipline USA 12 in Standard Definition


    A HD version of this video will also be available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale shortly, for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.

    Sting Pictures


    Feel The Sting Blog

    Sting Lads – Only Fans

    Title 2257

  • BBFC: A Reminder For Kiran

    BBFC: A Reminder For Kiran

    A reminder for Kiran to remember to be aware of the situation as things start to relax. He looks very spankable and once OTK looks even more so. Ryan uses the strap to aid the lads memory retention.


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  • Spanking Straight Boys: Owen In Long Underwear

    Spanking Straight Boys: Owen In Long Underwear

    Owen is a hot, straight 21-year-old frat boy with a stunningly hot body and face. Tom decided to buy some tight, bright-red long athletic underwear for Owen to wear in this video.

    This spanking begins with Tom putting Owen over his knee. He then asks Owen if he knows what behavior needs to be addressed. Owen claims he doesn’t. When pressed, Owen says it might relate to his texting. Texting has been a continuing problem with Owen. He has texted Tom at all hours of the day and night. He’s getting better about it, but still waited hours to respond to Tom’s text from the night before. He finally responded hours later by sending Tom a completely unnecessary text early in the morning.


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  • Sting: Discipline USA 12

    Discipline USA 12

    Another student is visiting the Vice Principal, this time new StingLad Archie Hunt has got himself in to trouble for stealing mock exam papers. Its completely ruined the upcoming exams and the Vice Principal is furious about the disruption it has caused. In fact the lad also a college soccer player was trying to sell them to team members, which makes it even worse.

    Some sharp discipline will be needed and it will start with a spanking.



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  • A Spanking History Lesson From Copper (Part 9) Sundaze Films

    The popular Spanking artist Copper continues his entertaining journey through the History of Male on Male Spanking videos



    In the late 1980’s, SUNDAZE PRODUCTIONS made a short-lived appearance on the male spanking scene. Based in Palm Springs, California, a local dentist, Gary Scott (not his real name), began filming his regular spanking sessions for his own pleasure. These videos were shot using models, most of whom were male-prostitutes that he picked up in locally or in Hollywood. After seeing the success of production companies like Studio-7 and Man’s Hand Films, Scott decided to offer his videos for sale on VHS cassettes. The “Sundaze” logo seen at the beginning of each video was actually the sign on the wall of an apartment building that he owned, and most of the sessions were shot there. Scott sold the videos for $39.95, about half the price of his competitors. Gary would often communicate with his mail-order customers, offering to customize cassettes for them, combining specific videos or models.

    With a very few exceptions, Gary was the spanker in all of his videos and kept his face off camera. The first video offerings (“Butt Whipping 1&2”) were compilations of short segments with mostly faceless young men being whipped with a belt. After that, he began creating simple plotlines that could be shot in a living room or bedroom. In addition to the spanking videos, Sundaze Films also released five “Solo Sex” videos with the models masturbating (often after being spanked).

    Since most of his “models” were hustlers, he would frequently ply them with alcohol or narcotics, and it often showed in their slow and garbled reactions to the severe beatings that they endured. It was rumored that one of his competitors threatened to notify law enforcement of the possibility that he was employing under-age models after drugging them, which could have resulted in the loss of his state license, in addition to all of the legal ramifications. Whether that was the reason or not, less than two years after the introduction of Sundaze Films, the company suddenly stopped all production and no longer offered their videos for sale.

    Over those two years, Sundaze Films offered a total of twenty videos, featuring over fifty models being spanked. The tapes have not been available since the early 90’s, although rare copies sometimes surface. The one exception is on PornHub, where one Sundaze video (titled “Andy Spanked to Tears”) has been misidentified as a Studio-7 product.

    One interesting side-note: The apartment building with the “Suzdaze” sign that was used for the opening credits of his videos still exists and can be found at 621 S. Riverside Dr. in Palm Springs, 92264.

    Attached are a few of the original photo-copied flyers for Sundaze Videos that were sent to his regular customers (note his hand-written note on the second page). There was never an actual catalog or any published advertising for the Sundaze Films.

    Click HERE to view earlier instalments