BBFC: Meeting Petr

BBFC: Meeting Petr

Dimitri has come up with a super find this time. He spotted Petr smoking in the doorway and pounced on him.



The deal is done and Petr agrees to come back and see what it is all about. Dimitri takes up his position on the couch and waits for Petr to take off his coat and come in.


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Once in the room the lad finds himself OTK and getting his first ever spanking. Its a bit of a shock for him and the look on his face all the way through the clip is wonderful, he is never sure what happens next and his surprise is matched by the shock of Dimitri’ heavy hand landing on his ass.







Skinny jeans are OK as a start but once down the black boxers show that Petr has a lovely firm little butt. Dimitri uses his trademark ear pull to add to the lads experience.


He looks positively shocked as his boxers are pulled down and realizes that he is going to get a bare ass spanking. A special thanks to our friend JR in Manchester UK for all his help and support in the making of this clip .





2 Responses to BBFC: Meeting Petr

  1. Forgive me for a rather hurried comment – time constraints and all that right now, I’m afraid. But I did want to say that young Petr very definitely gets the Van Spanking seal of unqualified approval!. Well and truly thrown in at the deep end, laid over Dimitri’s knee! That’s a baptism of fire, if ever there was one!Great to see the coloured underpants! I hope we see a lot more of him!

  2. Avatar bartcane
    bartcane says:

    I would still like to see Dimitri spanked, and him spanking Cal. or perhaps they can take turns to spank each other (with something more than a hand only)