BBFC: Meet Dominic

BBFC: Meet Dominic

Dominic is a cheeky guy and turned up full of bravado and bluster. he finds himself OTK and getting a spanking in a flash and the look of surprise on his face is priceless. .




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This is one great lad to spank, a bit of attitude and a great ass. When he lowers his trousers his underwear fit so well that he just cries out for a good OTK session.






While he looks good in underwear he looks even better once they are down as well. He has a perfect little butt and the added colour is just what he needed. A great debut for Dominic









One Response to BBFC: Meet Dominic

  1. Oh, my ears and whiskers! I just can’t wait to see Dominic get another spanking! What a find for BBFC! A cherub twink stepped straight down from Spankers’ Heaven! This lad is absolutely perfect: a wonderfully sulky look, a beautifully proportioned, boyish physique – and as for his exquisitely pert, cheeky little bottom…well, I don’t know what the gods were on when they moulded that, but it must have been something good! It has to be one of the most spankable bottoms I have ever seen in a BBFC film and boy, has there been some competition! I think it’s a case of saving the best till last here, because it’s right at the end when Dominic is standing up, trying to ease his agony a bit that we get that phenomenal rear-view and see just how cheeky his bum actually is! It reminds me rather of Tigger’s bottom in the earlier Sting movies and I never thought I’d ever see as smackable a bottom as his!

    BBFC boys aren’t always laid over the knee for their very first punishment, so it was a real treat to see young Dominic thrown in at the deep end and bent over Tony’s knee at just the perfect angle for discipline! Black trousers are a major turn-on for me and I really like to see a lad wearing them. And in combination with those boxer-briefs – oh my stars and moon, WHAT a boner-maker!! I don’t know if Dominic chose them on purpose to wear to be spanked but if he did, then he really knows how to make the best of a bottom that is probably his biggest asset! What would you call that colour? I think I’d have to call it ‘Spankers’ Heaven Blue’! And just so tantalisingly short! Black trousers and blue briefs! I couldn’t have done a better pairing-up myself! It’s great to see that Dominic is clearly a committed wearer of coloured underpants and I await the next selection from his pants-drawer with bated breath! It was a special joy that, when he looked so smackable in these briefs, he got what I think is the longest smacking over a pair of underpants that I think I have ever seen Tony lay on for that part of a lad’s punishment. 694 thorough spanks! Whatever came before over his trousers and afterwards across his bare bottom, nearly 700 smacks is more than punishment enough for any naughty boy!

    Not only is this beautiful young spankable subjected to the particular humiliation of being laid over the knee for his first smacked bottom, but he really get the works – the paddle over his bare bum!! A truly awesome punishment!! The lad takes it all with amazing stoicism, but his facial expressions say everything! I hope we’re going to see the naughty boy handed over to Paul to be disciplined at some point, with his own special brand of severity – a bottom like his truly cries out for regular, hard spankings and from a purely physical point-of-view, this smacking from Tony was probably long overdue!