BBFC: Luis Shower

BBFC: Luis Shower

It’s been a while since we saw Luis, and it appears that any lessons he had in the past have been long forgotten. He takes far too long in the shower and needs a spanking reminder to refresh his memory.

Bending over the sink he gets a good walloping, as he has just showered his butt is just that bit extra sensitive. Like all naughty guys he makes a fuss about it, but we all know deep down he knows he deserves every swat.


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A few great camera shots add to the humiliation he is clearly feeling, making this a great super clip.


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One Response to BBFC: Luis Shower

  1. While Luis’s firm father was alive, the not-too-naughty knave’s future looked bright, given good guidance by mutual devotion and due daily derriere-discipline, frequent on-the-bare OTK fanny-flailing doubling as fond father-son-moments, firm flogging on frame occurring only occasionally to oppress ominous overstepping by obediently-offered-orbs-ordeal. Only as orphan, overstepping is ongoing, off-track overall. His gentler guardian uncle simply seems to the sassy scoudrel squirt a shy, sissy shrimp, lacking natural authority as substitute-Sir is only a few years older, not actually stronger, and never established fitting fear by full-force furnace-fiery flagellation into desperate total scorched-spankee-submission, sobbing spent-to-the-end, as father knew needs to occur from time to time, so while Luis’s birthday spankings were just OTK fun for family and friends to ‘flog’ and fondle his frockless fanny, father’s were fake fury, the fearful fledgling fixated over the fucking frame, far too fierce and fearsome for the filial floggee to ‘forget’ in a year. Even the now markedly more mischievous mutt’s moustache marks his mean-turning, as father used to inspect his bodily hair OTK shower-starkers every Saturday, sighting the slightest shaft spelling a soundly-severe strapping and sensitive shaving starting on the ‘savage-skin’-scolded sion’s scared-stiff-seed-swollen-sex-shaft.
    His grades are slipping all the way down as his dacks now rarely do, school discipline is just paddling on uniform – father used to give him at least double in the bare with a freshly-cut switch for any misdemeanor or grade under B, uncle barely hand-spanks, only under C and for repeat-remarks. Competent coach’s cane can’t CP-chime-in cued from school either, as the lewd lout lazily left the lacrosse-team, although his shot at a scholarship, content with cash-paid odd jobs, intending to his cash-in father’s untouched study trust fund at age 25, a recipe for misspent youth and wasted adult life.
    Luckily, uncle met one of Luis’s party friends (delivering the drunk dufus home) and learned from him how his currish CCs-cousin’s life was turned around to college graduation thanks to the House. Finding the fat fee incompatible with the trust terms, that trail ran dead, but(t) in the House, uncle witnessed the wailing and wretched-worm-way-wriggling of a House Senior thornily tutored by Matyas and learned of his tailor-made thickskull-teen-tail-tormenting-tutoring, technically trust-comptabible, so he’s signed-up for sessions on seven super-slacking school-subjects, spelling stripped-stern-up for sound spankings till his grades are up as high and regularly, with uncle waiting to welcome the wickedly-well-whipped-wailing-wippersnapper straight OTK each time, after a cold shower, for a long lecture larded lavishly with licks, leaving lesson-impact as his firmly-flogged-fanny feels it formidably from-now if later that changes due to better grades then attitude, Matyas may recommend a House friend to flail the fresh fuckup-fanny for a feeble fee (and flogger-fun), a fully-finer future for FFs-cured fuck-up and flailer-fun-fond floggers.