Amateur Spanking Boys: Baccarat


The day draws to a close and the boys are in their room conversing. Johnny decides to teach Mito the game of baccarat with a special twist, and they decide to play a few rounds. Whoever loses will have to take off a garment and will be spank by the winner, with a leather belt and by hand. They get spanked, clothed, sparsely clothed and bare also in a variety of positions.


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So the master on hearing a lot of animated sounds coming from Johnny and Mito’s room decides to go up and see what the boys are up to and finds the boys playing a game and proceeds to ask them what they are doing. Finding it to be quite an interesting game, especially in the way they are playing it, the master also inserts himself into the game, but as a dealer. The game now gets even more interesting, the boys lose and win several rounds, but you can be sure the one who wins the most is the master. 

From Spanking Boys Video


and Amateur Spanking Boys