BBFC: Cal Over The Bench

BBFC: Cal Over The Bench

A requested clip, for VH in Holland. Cal goes over the bench, legs apart and hands down. This slightly stressful position means his ass muscles and deliciously hard and ripe for a good caning.




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The red briefs fit really well and show his reaction to every stroke of the cane. The warm up over he has to stand up and take them off and get back down for the finale.




Cal’s muscular butt takes a good caning and colours up really well. Cal is a tough cookie and shows nothing apart from the occasional sharp intake of breath. A classic cane clip with Cal .




One Response to BBFC: Cal Over The Bench

  1. My, my! This is a rare treat indeed! It isn’t too often that we see that perky, muscular, smackable bottom of young Cal’s at the business end of a whippy, stinging punishment cane! I guess I’m so used to seeing him in the role of a spanker, (which he fulfils so well!) with one of Tony’s younger lads laid across his knee for a smacking, that I can forget just how fantastically spankable he is himself.

    And, ye gods, what a reminder! Bent over, stripped right down to those tight briefs – still for me the best type of spankingwear! What a great colour as well for punishment underpants with a lovely sheen on them that somehow helps to bring out the roundness of Cal’s pert buttocks! I always think that red underpants are particularly appropriate as spankingwear as they for me symbolise a well-smacked bottom.

    This is strict discipline at its strictest and Cal’s very vocal responses leave us in no doubt that it is getting through to him in no uncertain manner. When he has to take his pants off, we can see from the red weals right up and down his bottom just how thoroughly Tony is laying on the lad’s punishment! Somehow, that last moment when he puts his briefs backon and pulls them up is a huge turn-on! From the chastened look on his face it iis clear that a hard lesson has been learned and that he has been well and truly reminded that big boys can still get their bottoms smacked!