BBFC: A Paddling For Philip

BBFC: A Paddling For Philip

Philip is due a spanking and this time he gets a paddling OTK. He looks guilty as he comes in and goes OTK, he usually is so its a safe bet he deserves the spanking he gets.




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Some good swats on the well fitting jeans are a nice warm up before he has to drop them and get a set on the boxers. Philip has a great shaped butt for spanking and his choice in underwear shows he also knows he has a great butt.





The spanking carries on and there’s no time to take down his briefs, and the look on his face says it all.


3 Responses to BBFC: A Paddling For Philip

  1. This seems like only half a spanking to me in just his briefs. They need to come down and reveal Philip ‘s delectable bottom.

  2. Thanks Swanlad, I spoke to Tony at BBFC about this video, and his decision not to spank Philip on what you correctly describe as he “delectable bottom”.

    Tony tells me that this video’s theme was requested by a customer, and reflects how that customer remembers spankings, which are not always applied to a bare bottom.

  3. I really appreciated this spanking over jeans and briefs, as I am not the biggest fan of either watching or administering spankings on the bare bottom. In fact, for me, a boy’s backside is so perfectly framed for discipline by a pair of coloured briefs that it aesthetically the optimum spanking experience from a spanker’s point-of-view. If I do spank boys across the bare bottom, I nearly always give them a wedgie, which allows them to experience a whole other range of sensations along with all those provided by getting their bottoms smacked! It’s also how I remember spankings, which at home were always laid on over my underpants.

    it’s just such a joy to see young Philip back over Tony’s knee – I was beginning to get withdrawal symptoms, even though he has some beautiful new boys to experience the punishments that he lays on so efficiently and thoroughly! I already knew what colour underpants Philip was wearing for this spanking, as Tony had been kind enough to share a preview picture with me, and the combination of blue jeans and royal-blue briefs, my favourite colour for spankingwear is one that is always going to do it for me! Philip looks amazing in those briefs and if I had him across my knee, I don’t think I’d know when to stop!!

    As usual, Philip is his stoic self under the severity of his punishment. This time I think I detected a submissiveness that was just delightful to behold – as thought he was thinking ‘I deserve this – however long Tony keeps me here’. The final turn-on for me was Philip walking away with his track-suit bottoms still around his knees and Tony giving him one last smack across his cheeky bottom with that wicked-looking paddle! Yet another tour de force, Tony and Philip – let’s have lots more!