Sting: Video Preview for the Vex and Jamie Spanking Compilation

Here is the video preview for the new

Vex and Jamie Spanking Compilation




Click here or on the Continue Reading Tab below to see the video preview and more pictures of Vex and Jamie (some but not all from Sting videos)














Jamie’s face after his bare bottom nettle birching in Instruments of Persuasion 2 which features in this compilation



Note: despite their youthful looks, both actors were over 18 at the time of filming – see Title 2257 link below



The video preview can also be viewed at Spanking Tube shortly


Note: Jamie is listed in the Feel the Sting archive as “Jay”

One Response to Sting: Video Preview for the Vex and Jamie Spanking Compilation

  1. Avatar Doctor Caine
    Doctor Caine says:

    This brought back some memories. The diversity of this studio over the years is quite remarkable they must have tried everything. The British boys had a sort of je ne sais quoi. The school days films were perfect and with so much attention to detail. Their new location and models means they can’t quite ever replicate it but nevertheless the quality has always been there and still is.