The Truant – Final Sting Member Update

The latest (and final) update to the Sting Member’s area is the Truant 
Staring Rudi

Student truancy when finally discovered is usually dealt with very firmly. So it was in the case of Tony Henderson (Rudi Vallance) who had been missing from college on more than one occasion.

Tired of this senior boy’s lackadaisical attitude the Headmaster decides its time to take serious action. Summoned to his study young Tony is first given a good over the knee spanking, quite a humiliation for this strapping prefect.

This is just a start as the Head intends to leave a calling card for others who may wish to follow Henderson’s lead. Out comes the swishy rattan cane and with Tony bent over the old school desk it is applied painfully to his protruding muscular bare bottom. 

The stripes will certainly bear witness to Tony’s abuse of the rule book and the yelps will mean he is no longer to be known as The Truant


Links Provided out of respect for Sting’s Intellectual rights


We are sorry to announce that this will be the last video loaded to the Members Area as it will now be closing down. There are various reasons for this but mainly it is financial. It’s the second time we attempted some sort of Members Area.
However, with to its closure there is some good news. Firstly we will now concentrate more on our core film production outlet Sting and secondly develop the Hornet Studio with extra tiles similar to What The Eyes Don’t See series. Also the video chat rooms will be bought to the front of the Sting site and open to all registered customers. The galleries too for each new film will be made available for a small add on fee. Thanks for your understanding. Please visit to cancel your  payments. 
Kind Regards Rich & Rob

2 Responses to The Truant – Final Sting Member Update

  1. Really sorry to see Sting close the member area

  2. I hate to hear of the news as well. I have to keep my fingers crossed as the future develops. Sting has provided great models, themes, and generous samples over the years. From Brett Stevens, David, who has been modeling for ten plus years now and still going strong, Darren, and two of my most recent favorites, Pavel Novy and Nicholas Salter, I have admired Sting’s work, which featured quality and entertainment. I hope Sting stays strong, and that they are encouraged to place more of their titles to Man’s Hand where their US sales can develop. I have purchased a number of Sting’s titles through Man’s Hand, and the experience has always been pleasant and professional.