7 Responses to Waiting For Punishment – By Leather Strap

  1. Terrific stuff LS!! I especially like the jail, the son-n-law and the kid home from college!!

    Glad to see you contributing here. You do more then just tell a story, you express the emotions so well we can almost feel ourselves in the ‘situation’! I really missed your site when you closed down, it was a really GREAT read! And the ‘games’ you used to run having your readers vote on how you were to get punished! You still get spanked like that?

    NICE to ‘see’ you again!

    • Thanks! Glad you like the stories! I wish I could create Leather Strap again, but right now I’m not able to. As for my own punishments, they never ceased and I get them as regularly as ever. I got a hard whipping about two days ago for mouthing off to ‘Dad!’ I guess I’ll never learn!


  2. hot!!!!

  3. Terrific stuff LS!! I especially like the jail, the son-n-law and the kid home from college!!

    Glad to see you contributing here. You do more then just tell a story, you express the emotions so well we can almost feel ourselves in the ‘situation’! I really missed your site when you closed down, it was a really GREAT read! And the ‘games’ you used to run having your readers vote on how you were to get punished! You still get spanked like that?

    NICE to ‘see’ you again!

  4. Great stories to the pics. I’d really like to see videos of the dad/son punishments. Thanks a lot! :-))

    Blackfield II

  5. THANKS SO MUCH for continuing thIs HOT artwork!! Your stories are great as always with awesome lead-up and anticipation! (Sure wish I was the Dad with the hairbrush!!)