Dale – Bubble Bath Blues (Straight Lads Spanked)

Dale was left to look after his parents home whilst they were on vacation. All he was meant to do was collect the mail each day and check the house over. Dale though decided to ‘borrow’ his father’s flash car and drive over to his friends party.
Dale had too much to drink and decided to leave the car behind and walk back home instead. Feeling worn out after heavy partying, Dale strips off and enjoys a nice long soak in the bath.

He then gets into bed and falls fast asleep.

Big Mistake!

 Dale’s father has had work issues and has had to cut their holiday short and come home early.

His furious father comes home to find his car missing and his son fast asleep!

Dale can tell his father is furious, and knows he is in big trouble. But even Dale could not have imagined the punishment that was to be dished out.

 The spanking and slippering is no nonsense!

 Dale is left sorry and sore and vows to get his life in order!

More From Dave (Mr X)……So this was Dale’s first ever shoot. He had never been in front of a camera before, never done any acting before and more importantly, until that day had never been spanked before! Dale was brought along by his real life mate Oliver and straight away just entered into the spirit of it all. Dale is about as close as it gets to a normal, str8 lad receiving a proper spanking! Dale is on stand-by to shoot more movies so please leave your comments below and let me know what you think?


Links provided to respect Straight Lads Spanked intellectual property rights 

5 Responses to Dale – Bubble Bath Blues (Straight Lads Spanked)

  1. hot.

  2. Superb! Handsome lad, terrific bum, authentic red face and pained expression – and the added bonus for me – I adore pussy cats! ;o)

  3. What a cute cat :). What is his or her name? The fur must feel so soft and ticklish against bare skin.