Tales from the Block – Episode One “Trading without a Licence”

This is the first in a new series from Dr Skelpz, filmed on location in the Block,  a South London housing estate, (or as our American friends would say, in the Projects).

Barry has got word that David has been dealing to his friends. Barry won’t tolerate any encroachment onto his turf. Barry shows David who’s boss by giving him an open-air bare ass caning in the middle of the Block. David is afraid to reveal the name of his supplier so Barry has to spank the information out of him.

This is a raw, rough, gritty story filmed in Dr Szelkz’s trademark guerrilla style.

7 Responses to Tales from the Block – Episode One “Trading without a Licence”

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Great to see David and Barry together again. More, please.

  2. great clip! i would like to see more too!

  3. How can you do this in London there’s always people about I guess

  4. Luke, is that an offer….?

  5. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    The housing estate where they filmed this is due to be demolished soon, so nobody lives there anymore.