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Sting: Kiwi College 14 (Part 2 of 2) plus Video Preview
Scene 2
Another lad, Hardy (new StingLad Danny Torro) has yet again been overly cheeky in class. His outspoken behaviour and bad language ensure he too will make an unwelcome visit to see his Housemaster.
Senior lads and cheek just don’t equate for Mr Sharpe and the hapless Hardy soon finds himself bending over for a good caning.
Click here or on the Continue Reading Tab below to see more pictures and the video preview (Warning: Features a hard caning)
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Spanking Straight Boys: Patrick’s First Spanking
Spanking Straight Boys: Patrick’s First Spanking
Patrick is a 22-year-old straight boy. He’s good looking and hung with a lean, muscular body. He was low on funds and decided doing an adult video would be a good idea.
This video not only shows the first time Patrick has been touched intimately by a man, but also the first time he has ever been spanked. This video begins with a brief interview in which Patrick tells a bit about himself and his history of physical discipline (there was none) and some of his misdeeds.
*Like so many others, Patrick hadn’t enquired about how the spanking would be administered or how he would be positioned. Also like so many others, you can see his awkwardness and surprise as Tom orders Patrick over his knee. Patrick doesn’t understand what’s happening at first, but is quickly over Tom’s knee with a stunned look on his face.
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Sting: Kiwi College 14 (Part 1 of 2)
Back down under and we find the lads at Kiwi College are still prone to the odd bout of misbehaviour. Its usually the seniors of course, filled with boldness due to the impending end of term, and their departure from College.
Smoking in College is still firmly against the rules but two seniors think they can get away with a quick puff between lessons.
Unfortunately for one, Mc Donald (new StingLad Evan Ryker) his captor, Mr Sharpe, is a stickler for this particular college rule and marches young McDonald off to remind him just how he must behave.
This, of course, means the young smoker is going over the knee for a good a Spanking.
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CP4Men: David’s 12 Minute Spanking
CP4Men: David’s 12 Minute Spanking
David gets a non-stop 12 minute bare bottom Spanking and as a bonus an extra 20 hard swats with the slipper! No stopping no warm up-this is one Spanking David will never forget!
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Spanking Central: Hoisted and Spanked
Spanking Central: Hoisted and Spanked
Lucas is hoisted and spanked for the first time
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Spanking Straight Boys: Get a Job!
Spanking Straight Boys: Get a Job
Tom really thought he had seen the last of Jason. Jason had called Tom out of the blue about six months ago. He was very angry and accused Tom of some absolutely nonsensical communications. The particulars of his accusations are not important. Had they been true, Jason would have had cause to be upset. But, as we learn in this video, they were nothing but lies designed to extort money. Unfortunately for Jason, they were very poorly-crafted lies that were not only untrue but also impossible for multiple reasons.
Tom has been spanking Jason for over five years now. Jason always manages to do bad things that give Tom real reason to punish him. He’s repeatedly borrowed money and not shown up for shoots. He was stole a ride that Tom ordered from an app for Jason to come to a shoot (Jason redirected the driver to a destination that he wanted to go to instead of the spanking). Tom finds all of this frustrating, but he gets to register his frustration on Jason’s butt when he does finally come in for another spanking.
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Sting: Lights Out Sharpe-ish (Part 2 of 2)
(Scene two)
The second boy to find himself in trouble with the Housemaster s Collins (Jirka Mendez).
He too has been causing a ruckus in the senior dorm and as with Phillips has brought his own punishment instrument with him.
Bending over in the Housemaster’s study, pyjama bottoms down, his own flexible and very stingy India rubber sole of the slipper will remind Collins how a senior is expected to behave!
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Sting: Lights Out Sharpe-ish (Part 1 of 2) Plus Video Preview
After lights out its a great temptation for senior lads to lark about in their dormitories. It’s that time in their lives when over confidence is high. However, college borders need a good nights rest to get on with the work they need to pass important forthcoming final exams.
Virtually every night now a boy is ascending the stairs to report to the housemaster for causing a problem in the dorm, all nervously expecting a good spaning.
The first this week is Phillips (Alessandro Katz) The Housemaster Mr Sharpe (Marco) has grown very tired of this behaviour now and intends to make some examples.
Starting with Phillips
Unluckily for Phillips he already has already brought the instrument of discipline needed with him on his left foot.
Ordered to kneel on a footstool, bare bottom raised high, his own carpet slipper will burn his uplifted bare bottom a scorching red.
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Sting: Simply Sebastian Spanking Compilation – Video Preview
Here is the video preview for the latest Sting Lads Spanking Compilation, 2 hours and 43 minutes of
The video preview can also be viewed at Spanking Tube
Click here or on the Continue Reading Tab below to see more images of Sebastian
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