Straight Lad Jack – Spanked Hard for Drunk Driving

A new release from Straight Lads Spanked
Jack is in a sorry state!

No job and living with his girlfriend. She is paying for everything. Jack borrows his girlfriends car to go and play computor games at his mates house. They have a great time and enjoy some beers!. Jack has one to many and rather than doing the sensible thing and sleeping at his friends house, Jack stupidly decides to drive home. 

His girlfriend is furious! This has happened one time to many! She offers Jack an ultimatum. Either you go and visit the local spanker Mr X or she calls the police.

Reluctantly Jack goes to Mr X, fearful but unsure as to what awaits him. Jack knows he has messed up and offers no excuses. When it comes to drunken drivers Mr X offers no leniancy. Jack is told he is going to face an over the knee spanking!

Mr X clearly has no time for irresponsible drivers and really lays into Jack. Jack is stripped of his jeans and underwear and has his bare bottom soundly spanked. This sorry straight lad thinks it can’t get any worse. He is wrong! Mr X orders Jack to remove the thick leather belt from his jeans and pass it up. Jack can barley take it as Mr X proceeds to whip his bare butt with his own belt!

Mr X decides Jack has had enough of the belt. But the punishment is still not over. Jack is left protesting and wriggling over Mr X’s knee as his already battered buttocks take a further hard hand spanking
Jack is left shocked,, sore, sorry and vowing never to return again!

This video is also available as a download to members of the new Straight Lads Spanked Subscription site
Special introductory membership offer expires on Sunday

2 Responses to Straight Lad Jack – Spanked Hard for Drunk Driving

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I’m sorry but no offence Mr X all your clips look the same I know people will say otherwise but they do I’m being honest

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I think that is unfair as there is a theme that Mr X charges £50 to spank errant blokes in his community – so those spankings would be similar but the person being spanked and the reason varies. I thought Jack was very believable, intriging and good looking-tight underwear was a real bonus.