Sting: “What A Dope”

What a Dope!

Being left alone in the house doesn’t mean you just do as you please as one young tenant is to find out. Strict rules have been laid down and if they are broken there will be consequences.

While the house owner (Dexter) is out for the day Robin Palmer decides that its a good time to have a smoke. This would have be OK in the right place if it hadn’t been an illicit substance.

On returning the landlord smells a rat, well in fact the left over smoke of weed. He’s not happy and decides its time to enforce the rules. Nothing better than a good spanking to make sure young Robin remembers that! Rules are rules boy!


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One Response to Sting: “What A Dope”

  1. Avatar Slipper Dad
    Slipper Dad says:

    Oh WOW! A complete series of dreams just came true ! 🙂

    Dexter is back and he is spanking Robin Palmer in the “diaper position” , have I died and gone to the Spanker Heaven Dr van Spanking oftern mentions?