Sting: The Reformatory 4 (Part 1 of 2)

The Reformatory 4

The young inmate’s at Pine Valley Prison and Reformatory have to follow the rules. Insubordination and lax behaviour will not be tolerated. The strap and a good spanking on the bare butt are always waiting for those who choose to continually ignore the rule book.

One of the senior prisoners, Cassidy (James Holt) is a lad who regularly chooses to breach discipline and has been warned several times about his conduct.

Now he faces severe punishment! For him, as a senior lad, it will come in the form of the heavy reformatory strap.

Two of them in fact, swung hard by the governor and his senior warden Officer Sharpe.



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After this a humiliating over the knee spanking on the inmate’s already very sore bare bottom will be laid on by the block Officer.