Sting – No Stars – Just More Stripes – Video trailer

Here is the video trailer for the latest Sting download 

Staring Dexter, Eddie Savion, Connor Levi and Rudi Valance

The video can be purchased from Sting at the following link

There is a link to the Sting Title 2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog

4 Responses to Sting – No Stars – Just More Stripes – Video trailer

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Can’t take my eyes off Rudi’s butt where do Sting find these guys!

    • Avatar Rufus Reddener
      Rufus Reddener says:

      It is a magnificent rump, just ripe for spanking. What I wouldn’t give to be Dexter!

  2. Avatar Stewart Burston
    Stewart Burston says:

    I agree, I’d love to know where Sting find their actors, Rudi and Connor are great additions to Sting’s cast

    All three boys in this video have very nice bums, and as we know Dexter has a spectacular bottom as well.

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Sting doesn’t update as much as they used too. Why is that? They always updating before. Main studio that descent but wish they’d give few more movies more often maybe like there short and sharp clips from sting raw like Leonardo Curfew etc … 🙂 or perhaps I’m on this blog far too much oh well I love it