Sting – Colonial College

Colonial College is set in the typical environment of a British styled public school, but of course in a far flung corner of the former Empire, Branderburg College follows an age old tradition of disciplined education.
The Head boy is Giles Brocker (Luke Radley) whose iron grip on the students he represents is starting to wane.


Brocker finds one lad Johnny Martens (Jimmy Evans) helping himself to some of his cash. Furious with this senior lad Brocker administers a spanking of his own. Martens shapely bare bottom cheeks, glowing red, are now more than familiar with the stinging swipe of the muscular Head boy’s right arm.
As Brocker pulls down Jimmy Martens pants to expose the lad’s bare bottom, he little knows that his own bare bottom will be in a similaly exposed before he is very much older. 


In the student’s common room two lads Geddes (Damien Drake) and Ackerman (new Stinglad Justin Conway) are very much engaged in looking at porn magazines. Unfortunately it’s the Heads rounds and they are caught red-handed. Sent to Mr Van Der Horst (Eddie Savion) they are soon over his knee being taught a lesson in morality. 


He follows this with both boys over the Gym horse receiving his well-worn black leather belt searing their defenceless bare bottoms!.


In other areas the Headmaster is not to happy with the way Giles is managing the student body! On one of his rounds he decides to mentor his leading boy mainly through his bare bottom with the flat of his palm, this in the hope of applying some sense via Brokers firm muscular backside.

A visit to his study is arranged for the next day where a hot and hard stinging caning is laid on with a well-oiled rattan. For Giles Brocker as head boy he must take it if only to establish his position in the College.


Nobody is tougher than him until of course that cruel rattan whips painfully in to his well-rounded bare bottom, then he, like many others, howls and howls until the final burning stripe is laid on.
Before bedtime in the dorm Giles Brocker will as usual just strip off casually but making sure the others get a quick glimpse of his burning stripes. I am the Head Boy and I can take is written skilfully over his backside. Luckily none of the boys were there to see his ‘taking it’ performance not exactly that of a tough lad after all!


There is a link to the Sting Title 2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog

8 Responses to Sting – Colonial College

  1. Avatar Daddy D
    Daddy D says:

    Luke Radley is incredible. This is one of the best caning scenes I’ve ever seen in 30 years as a spanking fan

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Luke Rdaley is fit yeh.

    Okay this is to sting how do i put this… alot of your past updates have not been that great in the terms of your models don’t confuse me hear while the quality of you videos is always superb im not buying any new clips from you so far this year as your models seem “TO GAY” (Twinks) which looks like spankthis models. While i know others like it for me and some others i like to see lads which aint got the haircuts like too gay and dye the hair all the time like the guy in top pic Jimmy Evans who is from Machester see him on a tv program on bbc three about sexual heath to me he very much a twink. Rich did say that in an interview last year you would get some russain lads who take hard spankings etc. it’s so disappointing to com here and find the models from past updates which i wasn’t to keen on and see you’ve used them again in another video. i hop we see some stright lads or lads which are gay like myself but you wouldn’t know i was unless i told you. Anyway i’ll prolly get few older clips from you until we get some lads i fancy like Lucky Taylor was gay wouldn’t think it tho. 🙂

    This is a message as a customer who buys clips not a hater lol 🙂

    • Thank you for sharing your view. Sting is aware that different people have different taste in models. Personally I tend to share your taste for more masculine actors, but there are many who prefer more sensitive or twinky performers.

      Jimmy Evans for instance is a good looking and talented actor, who has a lot of fans. In his recent appearance on British television he was very proud and open about himself, a lot of people find that very admirable and attractive

      I think the lesson is that you can never please everyone, but Sting will continue to offer a variety of different models, who appeal to a variety of different tastes.

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Guys like Eddie, Darren, Rudi, Leonardo, Damien Drake (he’s been in to many clips) I dont deem guys like them as “TOO GAY” idk raunt over lol

    • Again, you are entitled to your view. However, I think a lot of people would question how it would be possible for Damien Drake to be in “Too many” clips. Damien is one of the most popular of Sting’s actors, and they receive many requests for more of him.

  4. I prefer the twinks myself, and Sting do get some stunningly good looking lads. Sometimes I can hardly believe how such gorgeous lads are willing to play in spanking videos. I know most of them probably only do it for the money, but still, I’m grateful that they do, and they do a fine job. I’m not so keen on the more ‘camp’ models but there is plenty of selection in their videos.

    I’ve bought every Sting video from back in the days when I had to order their DVDs from Holland, and I have to hand it to Rich and Rob – nobody else does CP videos better than them in my opinion – and they are always very helpful and polite if you have any problems with downloads etc.

    I do miss the days when they used all British models but you can’t have everything. You can tell there’s a language and cultural barrier with a lot of the models but I know Sting had to move away from Britain for good reasons.

    Anyway, keep up the good work guys.