Spanking Straight Boys: Owen in Baseball Gear (Part 2)

Spanking Straight Boys: Owen in Baseball Gear (Part 2)

Owen’s long spanking in baseball gear continues. In the first part of this video, Tom lectured Owen for having gone out the night before and wasted $350 on a VIP table with bottle service, and then drinking so much that he couldn’t remember either the evening out or driving home under the influence. Wasting that much money on an evening he can’t remember is bad enough, but the driving under the influence is inexcusable.



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It’s been a long, hard spanking for Owen, but it is far from over. Tom continues to deliver a hard spanking with his hand, a riding crop and a leather strap.




Tom has a surprise for Owen when he orders him over his lap in the wheelbarrow position. It’s a humiliating, stressful position for a young straight man to find himself in, but it is certainly justified.


By the end, Owen’s butt is very red and sore. He is humble and remorseful. Will it be enough to keep him in line? Time will tell.


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7 Responses to Spanking Straight Boys: Owen in Baseball Gear (Part 2)

  1. Owen certainly deserved what he got, and I think I speak for most when I say we enjoyed watching him getting it!

  2. awesome– loved to see him kicking and squirming- he looked great in just the socks– woof xx thanks to all for this one.

  3. Owen is a hunk to start out with to bad he straight. But Owen. I could turn you gay. Show you a time of your life. Tom more on owen. Tell him. His fans love him.

    • Hi Bruce – Owen is very well aware of how hot he is. It’s amazing he’s not the world’s most conceited jerk. Instead, he’s a very nice young man. I can tell you that wherever Owen goes, he has people throwing themselves at him. It has not ruined him, but it does occasionally result in a certain amount of subconscious entitlement and a lack of discipline. Thanks – Tom

  4. Avatar charles collins
    charles collins says:

    Reminds me 50 yrs ag—for serious disobedience or showing disrespect I got the same kind of spanking–bare over dad’s knee (never wheel barrow) and it hurt as much at 17 as at 7. I must admite dad gavme a paddling I did not have coming AND MY BARE HURT LIKE CRAZY—I will say for my dad he always came into my room when i went to bed and we talked out what i had done wrong we nev er went to bed angry at each other