Sting: Kiwi College 15 (Part 1 of 2)

The chemistry worked so well in their last film together that Sting put exclusive models Nathan Russell and Richard Hicks together again. They are friends in real life so it seemed appropriate at the time of casting.

They both play students in a new Kiwi college episode. Nathan, a bit of a bully, forcing Richard, always the cheeky one, to steal money from the Housemaster’s cash tin. This dastardly deed will mean brazenly entering his study to carry out the crime, during which they are caught by the returning Housemaster.

There is always a price to pay for such skulduggery and these boys are no exception but even during punishment, for them a scorching bare bottom ordeal, they still try to push their luck. If any young miscreants deserved punishment more then these boys certainly do!



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7 Responses to Sting: Kiwi College 15 (Part 1 of 2)

  1. Nice! Will there be a figging story soon or even hornet?

    • Avatar Mitchell Parr
      Mitchell Parr says:

      Hi there, I’m a bit disappointed that in the latest kiwi college in hat the models are not wearing the correct Kiwi College grey shirts and there is no caning scenes or use of a tawse.

      Kiwi Coll 8 and 9 are still my favourite as they look very authentic.

      When will the next KCs come out?

      • Hi Michael
        In answer to the shirt question, Sting actually import authentic school uniforms from New Zealand for the Kiwi College films (what other studio would do that?) However in this instance, the shirts in stock did not fit one of the boys, so alternative shirts were used in order that the boys would be in identical uniforms, as they would be in a school situation.

        As for caning, not all actors are able to take the cane, especially when they first start filming with Sting. Others need to build up their tolerance levels. It would be a real shame if Sting were to lose potentially good actors by being too heavy to begin with.

        Also, not everyone wants to see caning in every video, Sting receive as lot of requests for slippering and paddling, as well as canings. It would be boring if all the videos did exactly the same thing

  2. Hi Matt

    Sting does plan to feature figging in future videos, however, everything which appears in Sting videos is genuine and requires with the consent of the actors. It is not very easy to find actors who are willing to have a plug of raw ginger inserted in such a sensitive area, which is why it doesn’t feature that often. However, watch this space and it should happen again soon.

    I also understand that Sting are planning making a new Hornet movie, but I can’t promise when that will happen.