Spanking Straight Boys: Mitch’s First Spanking (Part 2)

Spanking Straight Boys: Mitch’s First Spanking (Part 2)

This is the second half of Mitch’s first spanking. His butt is already red, and Tom keeps spanking him, including with a leather belt. Mitch is no stranger to the belt.

Mitch gets angry as the spanking continues. He is clearly muttering angry thoughts under his breath, but he knows better than to say anything aloud. It’s fine for the boys to sulk and be angry, but they better not mouth off. Mitch seems to understand that.


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By the end of this spanking, Mitch is apologizing for speeding and promising he’ll never speed again. Of course, Tom knows that is a lie. The boys must at least acknowledge their wrongdoing and express regret, even if they don’t mean it. Perhaps particularly if they don’t mean it!



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2 Responses to Spanking Straight Boys: Mitch’s First Spanking (Part 2)

  1. Another awesome looking guy getting spanked, hope we get to see more of him. Imagine in the tower, for example… 😉