Sting: Sports Report 11 (Part 2 of 2)

Sports Report 11

Scene two

The second lad is Alex (Axel green) he’s’ known by the Coach to try to avoid any type of physical exertion. Having fallen asleep on the gym bench he is rudely awakened by the arrival of Coach Sharpe.

He too needs a much more painful wakeup call and it’ll start with the dreaded gym shoe!


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The stinging India Rubber sole is soon descending down fast with a scolding crack on his bare bottom.







Of course it’ll be followed by an over the knee spanking, the least a caring Coach can do to make sure his students make the grade.




One Response to Sting: Sports Report 11 (Part 2 of 2)

  1. Avatar Doctor Caine
    Doctor Caine says:

    Oh my, Little Richard is a great addition to the Sting Stable a perfect pert posterior to go with A level Axel, where do they find them.