Spanking Straight Boys: Lack of Respect (Part 2)

Spanking Straight Boys: Lack of Respect (Part 2)

Drake is 19. He is equal parts hot and cute. We would rate his looks a perfect 10 out of 10. People’s preferences and taste vary, of course, but it’s hard to think of anything you could change about Drake that would make him better looking in any objective way.

Drake is not cocky or obnoxious, but he clearly likes the way he looks. His hair, in particular, is very important to him. We like his hair, too, but wanted him to get a slight trim so it would look its best for today’s spanking. Drake readily agreed, so Tom took Drake to the woman who usually cuts Tom’s hair.


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At some point, while he was waiting in the seating area, Tom became aware that Drake was having a heated discussion with his stylist. As they walked to the cash register, Drake repeatedly told the stylist that she had cut off too much of his hair (and not in a nice way). He then opened a styling product near the cash register and tried it. This caused further confrontation with the stylist because it was not a sample.


Wanting to defuse the situation as quickly as possible, Tom told Drake to wait in the car. He then apologized to the stylist and gave her a nice tip. Anyone has a right to complain about a haircut they don’t like, but Drake was disrespectful and rude. This surprised Tom because Drake is usually a very happy, funny and friendly young man. Within the hour, Drake was over Tom’s knee paying the price for his rude behavior over Tom’s knee. He kicks, squirms, grunts and complains while Tom gets the satisfaction of punishing him.

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4 Responses to Spanking Straight Boys: Lack of Respect (Part 2)

  1. This makes other studios models look like the “Just Essentials” range from ASDA. My


  2. Hey Tom, Drake looks great indeed! Are you considering doing a video spanking both Drake and his twin brother? Would be so hot!

  3. Dustin in Suit and Tie for a return visit.