SpankChicosmalos: LAZY STUDENTS, PART 1

SpankChicosmalos: LAZY STUDENTS, PART 1

Alex and Mateo decide to leave the institute before the end of the classes, they get bored and want to spend the day being lazy. They are discovered, Alex’s punishment begins, who feels ashamed when his friend can see his ass naked and punished while Mateo laughs, although Mateo will suffer the same fate shortly after

Alex y Mateo deciden irse del instituto antes de que terminen las clases, se aburren y quieren pasar el día haciendo el vago. Son descubiertos, comienza el castigo de Alex, que siente vergüenza cuando su amigo puede ver su culo castigado mientras Mateo se ríe, aunque Mateo poco después sufrirá el mismo destino

Alex Mateo 决定在那天放学前出去。 他们感到无聊,想度过懒惰的一天。 他们被发现了,Alex 的惩罚开始了,当Mateo 大笑的时候他的朋友看到​​他被惩罚的屁股时,Alex 感到羞愧,尽管 Mateo 很快就会遭受同样的命运


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3 Responses to SpankChicosmalos: LAZY STUDENTS, PART 1

  1. The concept had potential but the over sexualised nature takes away from my enjoyment of a SPANKING FILM there’s too much groping. Now if had this been filmed in a different way this would be quite hot I like the opening with both guys on the sofa and one of the guys getting spanked in front of his friend in this way but then there other guy got spanked there I see anus and I just thought what a waste of potential but it had some promising ideas to say the least. I also like the positioning of the spanking with the models and the setup. Also the spanking action needs work there are moments its good but the hand spanking is light and no consistent enough.

  2. Alejandro ‘Alex’ is -fairly- fuming furiously at his foppish former first-rate friend, classmate Mateo, to whom he sensibly suggested silently ditching the second hour of a class they just checked -to be sure- only covers course material they already learned, even more extensively, at a private prep summer course their fathers put them on, for convincing him to spend that hour in a fancy, supposedly safe common room, where they actually were practically asking to be caught by a school-staffer and duly spanked sorely-sorry, for truancy as other deliberate mischief that’s always on the bare and often on the spot.
    To make matters way worse, Mateo meanly makes fun of Alex’s first-flailing posterior-paining-predicament, despite expecting his own turn OTK, knowing that only Alex’s super-strict father has signed-up for the school’s student-spanking-signalling-SMS-service, so he’ll get a wickedly-well-whipped woodshed-workover next weekend ‘working worshipful wonders on wayward wantons wriggling worm-wise’ bountifully brat-bottom-blistered bare-balls beyond bearable over the saw-horse at home for it from furiously fulminating, full-force-flogging father for fucking sure.
    Mateo managed to make his own dire-disciplinarian dad miss their school’s invitation, but(t) Alex knows so and swears to set that spankability-symmetry-flaw straight soon, scarily spelling scores of scoundrel-stern-sorrily-sore-swatting, squirt-seat-scarlet-striping stripped-spanking-follow-up-sessions at home too for stupid scoundrel Mateo, suffering a sturdier-still strap than Alex’s ancestral azote, always awfully aware his abject-arse-agony is alas the self-inflicted recurring rebel-rear-red-raw-ravaging revenge of his former buddy-in-mischief.