School Training Detention : At Bottom Line

School Training: Detention

Alex and Jackson were assigned detention by Hector. When they fail to show up to the office he tracks them down to the locker room where he dishes out a sound thrashing by hand and mini-birch. Yet perhaps there is more going on here than at first glance!


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School Training: Detention


Title 2257



One Response to School Training Detention : At Bottom Line

  1. Truancy is pretty rare at Hector’s high-reputed high-school, as his hard-hitting hell-houndishly-harsh hard-humble-hounds-handler-hand and eerily-effective extensions from the awfully-awesome arsenal of spanking implements constitute a pretty convincing deterrent, so knavery is rather confined to stunts the brats have some hope -often in vain, hence the long detention lists and many red book pages- of actually getting away with. Hector knows his regular offenders and usual suspects, like Jackson, one of those Sir reliably recognizes just by their abjectly-agony-available arses.
    Alex however is not among their number, strict Sir secretly sighs sometimes seeing spankable squirts’ seats significantly shabbier than said super-student’s superbly-sightly stern, so seldom subjected to spanking since satisfactory scores and school-behaviour simply spare him suffering strict Sir’s ‘sound’ scarlet-striping severity-sessions so-far. So ‘stead of suitably-seriously worrying why, the wicked wantons-whooper warmly welcomes the wonderful, wayward-wandered whippersnapper’s weariness of waling while wriggling wretched-worm-wise for once.
    Alex’s admirable alias “all-AAs-Alex” assuredly advertises his angelic and academic attitude-awarded all-round appreciation by adults at-school, alas also awakes adverse attitudes from about any adolescent around. Actually aching from absolute amical-abandonment, Alex amazingly agreed when his roommate promised to introduce the lonely teacher’s pet to student circles if he pays the painful ‘prank price of prankster-pack-admission’, perverting his proper privilege for porn procurement. As headmaster’s handpicked ‘head-boy’, sole pupil on the school board (without vote or any authority over lesser peers, just the bare minimum presence prescribed by state – and school district regulations), Alex has regular access to numerous official files, including the confiscated ‘obscenities and other oddities’, all of which knaves have been sally switch-spanked for severely, seat-stripped and scarlet-striped suitably-sorely-sorry to strict Sir’s semi-sadistic spanker-satisfaction, yet kept all semester till after the state corroborates the district’s approval of general report, relevantly-including red book-references to red-raw-rebel-rear-roastings for repulsing rascality.
    Alex did a fine job finding even more saucy stuff than the prank price prescribed, and was smart enough to make copies and carefully return the originals unnoticed. Still, a ‘new mate’, who managed to get caught with some such seemingly-stolen sassy stuff, was ‘easily’ broken by bare-balls birching after his housemaster’s paddle broke battering the bleating brat’s brightly-burning behind bloody and blistered beyond bearable, saying he got if from Alex’s roommate, so both betrayed boys were retained during a rough room-search, revealing a rotten stash. They were only released and remanded when reminding strict Sir that senior Sir expected Jackson for regular (for petty uniform flaw) detention, Alex sent along as co-suspect, and preferred to leave the real reason unmentioned, in the vain hope it might just remain to be dealt with by their housemaster, who often allows optional CP without reference in the regular red book, doubling the customary dose.