Saturday Spankables

Hands up if you’ve been naughty



Spankables by Dr van Spanking

Dr van Spanking scoured the internet to track down the following pictures for JockSpank



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Spankables selected by Bruce

Johnny Flynn as Mr Knightly in the 2020 film version of Jane Austin’s “Emma”

NOTE: the Saturday Spankables are images taken from the public domain and are posted here for the enjoyment of those who appreciate the male form. Jockspank gain no financial benefit from these images, if you have any concerns or comments regarding any image, please let us know, using the CONTACT US field in the left hand column

2 Responses to Saturday Spankables

  1. What an appealing selection, it is hard to decide which one I would spank first!

    It is gratifying to note the Wonderful Dr van Spanking has maintained his excellent good taste and healthy appreciation of the young Diving Fraternity.

    Bruce also has an eye for images which are both artistic, and as sexy as hell!

    • Haha! Thanks, Mark H! Great to know our tastes coincide!

      Our drop-dead gorgeous Olympic British diving-team boys, consciously or otherwise, have so far provided an endless source of finger-itchingly spankable pics! Long may those naughty and very smackable little lads continue to do so!!