BBFC: Alejandro Lazy

BBFC: Alejandro Lazy

It is hot and Alejandro is taking a rest and having a lay down. But he should not be doing that, there are many things to around the house, which has the aircon on, so the heat is no excuse.


He is told off and has to lay on the bed and with a pillow under his middle and present his ass for a set with the belt. Lifting his ass slightly and showing off his dark blue briefs the swats fall and start off the session.


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The briefs come down and the lovely smooth ass feels the belt land regularly. The look on his face says it all and it looks like he might just get the idea now that he should ask before he decides to spend a lazy afternoon.



2 Responses to BBFC: Alejandro Lazy

  1. WOW!!! Watching a really traditional, old-fashioned hiding with a good old-fashioned leather belt across a boy’s bottom is always a huge treat and one to be savoured! The belt is an instrument of punishment whose use goes back to time immemorial and one I became well acquainted with in my own errant youth! In the hands of a disciplinarian who knows what he is doing with it, it is incredibly painful, and can leave deep red welts across your bum that can be some time in disappearing! And believe me, that is experience talking!

    I just LOVE Alejandro’s choice of punishment underpants! Navy-blue, my second favourite colour for spankingwear after royal-blue underpants, and good, short boxer-briefs – the perfect length to frame this beautiful young lad’s pert, peachy buttocks for the hard and strict discipline that is being laid on across them! And laid on very expertly, if young Alejandro’s reactions are anything to go by! Well-deserved, too!

    Please, PLEASE, PURLEEAZE!!! could we see young Alejandro laid over the knee in those briefs?!!!

  2. On their last day between endless posterior-pounding-procedures-practice and properly touring the continent all August for aristocratic CP tradition demonstrations, time and time terrifically-terribly tender-tanning this twink’s trouserless-trembling teen-tail in torrents of traditional Swedish and Andalusian mean meekly-mounted-male-mounds-martyring manners, Alejandro ‘Alex’ was in no mood to drag himself up to answer the door while his lucky uncle visits city sights.
    This proved the worst wretched-wayward way for the ‘wicked’ whippersnapper to hope for and dream of sitting comparatively-comfortably at the TV at-least this one evening, as uncle Axel was allmighty-angry at Alex to get a call from the rudely-ignored courier’s client: it was the patriarch sending a monogrammed Cordoban leather belt for use ‘a la Cordobana’ (i.e. in and on the bare) in the show, and asking actualized addresses-confirmation for the various boxes of matching souvenir-replicas to deliver for sale as souvenirs at the unending-seeming upcoming upending-venues, where buyers will be entitled each to lay on a luxurious lashing on Alex’s abject aristocrat-arse and shoot the super-sexy stud-spanking scene in selected style(s), at least a dozen (each; doubled by premium-payment), to show at subsequent spankers-schooling.
    When they return after the tour, the patriarch and all Alex’s aristocratic elders will be lining-up to liberally, lordly lay-on the monogrammed show-strap ‘a la Cordobana’ in turn as damned-dolefull defrocked-devilkin-derriere-dooming due-deserts-dessert-duty after every meal until the pariarch is satisfied to send such Sirs home, yet his own father must keep it up an entire year longer.
    Meanwhile, Axel records a demo video stat, and will, all tour long, after the sightly stripling suffered the stripping-and-spanking-styles-show, in their suite lay on any unsold belt doubled-premium-dose, mean, mathematically-meaningful motivation for meekly-mounted-male-mounds-martured mutt Alex to beg avidly-attending adults to buy belts and beat his bare behind brandishing-those bringing-in ‘butter’ (cash, but(t) as polyglots like Alex and Axel realize the somtimes-confounded Spanish ‘burro’ means ass, donkey or dumbass, yet in this context abjectly-agonized arse).