Picture identification request

I Have been asked if anyone can identify the original origins of this picture, and whether the video it comes from is still available.

If anyone has any information, please either add a comment below, or use the “Contact Us” link in the left hand column.  Thank you.


Thanks to those who responded and identified the picture as coming from Sordid Auditions

WARNING Sordid Auditions contains extreme content and is mostly Non-Spanking

4 Responses to Picture identification request

  1. Avatar Maarten
    Maarten says:

    It is from Sordid Audtions (same company as Brutal Tops etc.), and the model is “footballer John”

  2. Maarten is Correct, it’s from “Sordid Auditions” here is the direct link, scroll down to Footballer John ::

  3. So how are the spankings on that site? Hard and intense or just perfunctory with most of the focus being on other fetishes?

    • The spankings and canings are moderate, but there are very few spankings involved. It really covers all fetishes, a lot of them are a bit too out there for my taste.

      If you like to see good-looking guys being humiliated, it might be of some appeal, but if you are looking for plenty of spankings you won’t find that there