Rudy’s Red Rear End : Spanking Art by Franco

Rudy’s Red Rear End

Click on the Continue Reading tab below to see a new Fem Dom Spanking picture by Franco

WARNING: Franco’s Fem Dom images feature young men being disciplined and spanked by Strict Women

Brian’s Exciting Afternoon

You can view more of Franco’s Spanking images, by Clicking Here

3 Responses to Rudy’s Red Rear End : Spanking Art by Franco

  1. Avatar hisroyalheinie
    hisroyalheinie says:


  2. FRANCO’s drawings never disappoint. Excellent as always… Could you pass this comment on to FRANCO if possible?…FRANCO -You used to have a great site on TUMBLER entitled “STINGING UP THE REAR” which showcased your work – mainly F/M drawings It had been DEACTIVATED. Do you know why? Any plans on trying to get it back on or perhaps using another avenue to showcase your excellent work? Thanks

  3. Avatar Bill Olsen
    Bill Olsen says:

    Looks like Rudy is some party hardy college freshman who gets a surprise butt-beating when he’s home for the weekend because his grades are in the gutter and Dad’s mad since the Fall Tuition bill was $1000.00. Those young buttocks are gonna sting and be hot to the touch for a day or two.