Naughty Boy Lars
The latest morality tale from The Magic Spanking Factory “Naughty Boy Lars” opens with young Lars in his bedroom, dressed appropriately in his tight school shorts and anxiously fiddling with a sealed envelope, whilst glancing worriedly at the clock on the wall. “What am I going to do?” he mutters as the minutes tick by and he waits for what he knows is coming.

A knock on the door announces the dreaded arrival of his guardian, JustMagic, who has already been informed by Lars’s school that the young miscreant has a letter for him.
Taking the letter from Lars’s hand JustMagic reads the details of the his behaviour as the unhappy lad apologises, in desperate, but doomed, attempt to avoid his well deserved comeuppance.

His apology falling on deaf ears, the naughty boy soon finds himself over his guardian’s knee receiving a well deserved hand spanking starting on the seat of his skin tight shorts.
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