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Spanking Army Boys – 0207 army
Rick is a young repairs technician, and has been called in to do some repair work, but so far has not been able to fix the problem, the now thoroughly irritated Marshal takes him to his office by pulling him along by his ear with the intention of severely punishing the young soldier. Rick readies himself by stripping and submits himself bare assed for his punishment. The Marshal proceeds to punish him severely with rally upon rally of canings and heavy-handed spankings. Rick’s ordeal is far from over as he is also punished enthusiastically with the riding crop and generous helpings of hand spankings.
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WARNING the content of this video is more severe than would usually appear on JockSpank
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BBFC: Jonathan Surly
The look on his face when he is called says, so what, so I have messed up I don’t care. He does look quite arrogant and in need of taking down a peg or two.
*The best way to do that is to get the lad OTK and give him a spanking.
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Bastinado Boys – Tim Humiliated
Tim Humiliated
Tim of recent has been quite bad and extremely arrogant about it, so the master decides to take him down a notch or two. He is drawn along by his ear by the Master who decides to punish him on the soles of his bare feet with the riding crop. The master has him kneel to have his feet beaten, which is then followed by a vigorous hand spanking. Tim must continue to endure his just and well-deserved punishment; he is punished with the cane on the sensitive soles of his bare feet and on his bare ass while he stays in an uncomfortable and humiliating kneeling position*
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Spanking Straight Boys: Josh’s Wheelbarrow Spanking
Spanking Straight Boys: Josh’s Wheelbarrow Spanking
This video picks up where Josh’s pajama spanking left off. Josh had a long drive to get to this video shoot, and he wanted to shoot more than one video while he was here. Tom was happy to accommodate and decided it was time to spank Josh in a new position: a wheelbarrow spanking.
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BBFC: Matyas Paddle
When Matyas first turned up and got the paddle we thought he might not be so keen to come back. Well he did come back and he has been spanked since. But he appears not to have learned much about behaving.
*Called in he has to kneel on the couch and present his rear end for a paddling. Kneeling there in shorts he looks every inch a bundle of mischief and Dimitri knows just how to deal with lads like that.
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CP4Men: Nathan’s First Spanking
CP4Men: Nathan’s First Spanking
Now and again a boy comes along and ticks all the right boxes and I think Nathan is one of them. This is the first time he’s ever been spanked but it won’t be the last! Nathan will be back next year to get more spankings! Nathan takes his first spanking very well along with a few spanks with the hairbrush. At first he found it hard to call me sir but he soon got the idea when he got extra spanks for forgetting!
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Spanking the Skateboard Boy – Spanking Art by Franco
Spanking the Skateboard Boy
by Franco
This picture centers around the idea of one of those fit, nicely built young guys (aged 18 and above) who we see darting in and our seemingly fearlessly on skateboards.
Well this one is not so fearless now, riding his board in the house across freshly lacquered woodblock. Dad just paid good money for the process, and now, he colors up Juniors round posterior for the trouble. A proper spanking! Didn’t want to use this top again, but it fit so well with the boy, who, I did use from one of your Saturday Spankable boys…..
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