Jonathon in He Got What he Deserved

A recent release by the Magic Spanking Factory is He Got What he Deserved staring the very popular Jonathon.  JustMagic describes the action as follows:

Jonathon, being a fairly typical young lad, had been getting on my nerves. He had unfortunately become lazy and very untidy and was acting as if he owned MY house.

When I sit down to have a talk to him and he adds insult to injury by blowing smoke in my face I am not very happy at all. I order him to go and clean up his pig sty of a room. His reaction was to run out of the house but not before SLAPPING MY FACE and calling me a BASTARD!

(I can see the glee in some of your faces)

After recovering from this shocking experience I drove off looking for him but not before taking a riding quirt with me to use for self defense just in case he gets violent. I abhor violence and was determined to throw him out of the house. I finally find him in a derelict building. Cowering in a corner I tell him to stand up and let him know that he can pack his bags and could sleep on the streets for all I care. The mixed up begs forgiveness and says it will never happen again. I say that I am not interested but finally give in when I see how distraught he is. He sees that I have the crop with me and offers to take a beating when we get home. I let him know that he is going to get a beating “here and now”

He is ordered to strip and lean against the wall with his bottom well presented. The cruel crop soon has the miscreant yelping with pain as his smooth naked buttocks receive stroke after stroke of the stinging instrument. When I turn him around it is obvious the boy doesn’t have himself under control as I am greeted with a huge erection. My disgust is palpable.
I order him to get dressed but tell him he is going to be caned when we get back home. And caned he is! Being at heart a very kind person I offer his sore and marked bottom some comfort by softly rubbing cooling cream into his naked buttocks. Once he has dressed he is informed that he will immediately clean his room then mow the lawn and clear up the kitchen All he can answer is “Yes Stephen, of course”
Nuff said……..


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5 Responses to Jonathon in He Got What he Deserved

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Love the blooper and prefer the surroundings to Steven’s art gallery.
    No offense intended.

  2. Unfortunately derelict buildings are few and far between where I live. I would also prefer to have a new setting for each of my films. My castle has enough rooms but unfortunately the multitude of servants I employ have to sleep somewhere. Doris (my cleaning lady) did suggest I should turn my squash court into a film studio. Unfortunately the court is situated above the stables and the moans of spanking boys might bother my race horses. I think only time will tell.

    P.S. That was a lot of nonsense of course (I only have one horse) and I really do appreciate your comment. Many moons ago someone said a similar thing and although I would really like to please all customers I just cannot imagine me ripping evrything from the wall and creating havoc just to do a spanking film. The “art gallery” BTW is one of the reasons that the spankees enjoy visiting the Factory. It’s true, the guys are always interested in what is hanging on my walls. Much more indeed than is what is hanging on my bxxx’s.

    Oh well, such is life


  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Its nice to see Jonathan smile at the end.:)

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    The boy wonder, the Kaiser, the German prince, so cute see he is loving every moment as usual judging by what popped up ahem. Funny outtake as well love him:).

  5. As always I love seeing Jonathan getting spanked, What I would love to see is Jonathan wearing tight white jeans and getting spanked, now that will be cool, Steven I love the films that you do. By the way I miss your blog so much. Keep up the great work.